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The Zakhquery Price case is were a 11 year old AUTISTIC child has been accused of alleged felony assault!! Zakh was trying to defend himself while being held down by his school principal and his teacher!?! Where are the big autism organazations and leaders on this one? Come on AS, NAA, ASA, TACA, Genaration Rescue, Jenny McCarthy, ANYONE!?! Step up to the plate and help!! Don't tell me they haven't heard about this, I just don't believe it. How can our kids recover if they are tied up like animals or in jail.

Autism Advocates Tweets, Tips, Testimony, & Toolbox

Join the New AutismOne Advocacy & Social media Sharing group. The place to come for What, Why, Who, Where, & When about Social New Media Advocacy.

The first real online autism only dating website an introduction

Hi all,

It has taken several months of hard work but the first autism only dating website is finally online! Although I am confident it was worth the hard work and I hope everyone might enjoy this new website.

After the official publication yesterday evening CET the first support mails are coming in (The Autism Society of Colorado, Autism Awareness (largest autism facebook group), Party for Charity, the Flemish Autism Organization, ...) All seem to love the concept and are giving their full support to get it distributed asap.

Religious Exemption

Here is a great example of a "Religious Exemption" to give to your school district, and not get your child vaccinated!! Hope this helps!!

To Whom It May Concern;

My/Our child's body is the temple of God.

My/Our family's personal religious beliefs prohibit the injection of foreign
substances into our bodies. To inject into my/our child any substance which
would alter her/his state into which he/she was born would be to criticize
our Lord and question His divine omnipotence. My/Our faith will not allow us
to question our Lord and God nor to challenge His divine power.

Umbilicord Stem Cells improve lives of those who suffer from Autism

This is great information for those who know someone who is challenged with Autism.

Are there any stories that anyone have about treatments with Umbilicord Stem Cells?

Let's share.

Pamela Rae

Eating Habbits

Here is a short story about one of Christy's food quirks:

Special Diets

Earlier this week, research published in the peer-reviewed medical journal Pediatrics found no evidence that special diets have any influence on autistic children. Candace my non-verbal autistic 9 year old daughter did not recover by changing her diet. But, I did noticed when she eats chocolate she becomes more aggressive (But, what girl don't? LoL!!) So, do I think that diet is a cure for autism? Not for Candace. What ever they did to these kids will take alot more than a change of diet and vitamans to cure. I do give Candace cod liver oil & a good multivitamin.

Sabrina is recovered

Today I asked Sabrina's teacher about Sabrina's socials skills and peer relationships.

She reported:
She is very social here. She plays with everyone. She interacts well with boys and girls. She listens well and is always happy to do whatever we ask of her. I don't see 'one' person that she plays with all the time. She enjoys playing with everyone.

This was the last hurdle she had to overcome. I am so happy for her.

Celebrations Changes in Routine Can Be Difficult

Sometimes the simplest changes in routine can throw a child with autism for a loop. For example, take the holiday season, most children have no school and the routine gets thrown out the window. Let’s talk about something’s that can throw a child out of his routine.
Because routine is very important these kids, they need a routine securely in place, allowing them to stay up later in the evening or get up earlier or later in the morning can create havoc in a child with autisms day.

How Does Your Garden Grow

How does your garden grow?
By Leslie McCann

I realize the metaphor is corny, but I can’t help but indulge in the analogy… just for a moment.