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Each Day We Can Positively Influence the Lives of Others

Each Day We Can Positively Influence the Lives of Others

There is a belief within some cultures that each day we awaken, our actions throughout the next 24 hours can change lives at varying degrees. For the majority, we often don't realize this transpires naturally because those hours are encapsulated by our goals, which are often guided by our hopes and dreams for an ideal future. Within that ever-changing map of purpose, our travels result in triumphs and challenges that often mimic a roller coaster ride.

Please help Melanie and her family during this crucial time!

Let's really rally for young Luke's mommy, Melanie, who is in the hospital with cancer!! We wish Melanie and Luke many more years together. Please visit today. Thank you!

Dietary Supplements Can Help ADHD and ADD Kids Headed Back to School

By Larry Newman
Vice President
Chief Operating Office
Kirkman Group, Inc.

Back to School with Special Needs; An Interview with CARD Founder, Dr. Doreen Granpeesheh

By Nora Tarte
Kirkman Group, Inc.

Four Ways to Help Overcome Back-to-School Anxiety

By AnnElise Hatjakes, M.A.
Contributing Writer
Kirkman Group, Inc.

Back-to-school does not have to mean back-to-stress. Returning to a regimented school schedule after a long summer filled with free time and fun activities can be overwhelming for children. However, in the transition from play dates to testing dates, some strategies developed by parents, psychologists and experts in education can help you to manage your child’s back-to-school anxiety.

1. Provide your child with proper nutrition

Seizures: Vital Information Your Child Needs for Going Back to School and More

By Teri Arranga
Contributing Writer
Kirkman Group, Inc.

During summer vacation, the call came. A mom. A friend. What do I say?

My mom-friend said: “We were at the beach. My son started having seizures…I’m scared. What do I do?”

Among all of the things that parents of developmentally disabled children have to deal with, seizures are at the top and among the most frightening and serious conditions.

1 in 50 School Kids Has Autism, CDC Says

1 in 50 School Kids Has Autism CDC Says

By MIKE STOBBE AP Medical Writer

NEW YORK March 20, 2013 (AP)

The Impact of Chasing Inspiration: Individuals of all ages with ASD

There are many venues to explore where one can pursue inspiration for the purposes of contributing to the world, and making a life of well-being. This article explores ‘inspiration’ and how individuals with ASD discovered their deep ‘inspiration’ through making their art. The art of Elaine Crowder, Trent Altman, Kevin Hosseini, and students at The Beacon Day School, and other artists who have autism will be featured at The Brilliance of Autism Exhibit at Autism One 2013 conference on May 21- 26.