The Zakhquery Price case is were a 11 year old AUTISTIC child has been accused of alleged felony assault!! Zakh was trying to defend himself while being held down by his school principal and his teacher!?! Where are the big autism organazations and leaders on this one? Come on AS, NAA, ASA, TACA, Genaration Rescue, Jenny McCarthy, ANYONE!?! Step up to the plate and help!! Don't tell me they haven't heard about this, I just don't believe it. How can our kids recover if they are tied up like animals or in jail. I was surprised how absolutely isolated this family is, I am even more surprised no one has reached out to them!! Where the HELL are they!?! This could be a Rosa Parks incident that will start a revolution if someone would pay attention to it. WAKE-UP CALL AUTISM COMMUNITY Zakhquery Price needs your help, don't fail him like the system has!!!

If anyone would like to

If anyone would like to donate to Zakhquery legal defence please go to:


AoA post and NAA seminar

Age of Autism (www.ageofautism.com) had reached out to the family and will be posting an article soon.

Also, on Wednesday, May 26, the National Autism Association will be hosting a seminar at the Autism One / Generation Rescue 2010 Conference:

Preventing Abuse, Seclusion, and Restraint in Schools. Speakers include:

Dr. Roy Leonardi
Tim Adams, Esq.
Lynne Arnold
Maria Cammarata
Wendy Fournier
Lori McIlwain
Phyllis Musumeci
Dr. Mitch Perlman

Until there is an earthquake....

I am sad, crying, praying, and supporting efforts in Haiti, but without being disrespectful there will always be another earthquake. Haiti is the poorest nation in this hemisphere and has a long history of not providing the services & Infrastructure its people needed. Once the dust settles and tearful good byes are said, Relief efforts in Haiti will have to continue for many many years.

When it comes to the Rising Autism Pandemic Evolution nothing short of revolution in the vision of mankind is going to change the depth of slumber of our fellow Humans. I am not sure what part of Zakh's story did not resonate with everyone, was It so over the top that many must believe it can not happen in this day and age? We have all been a little jaded by those trying to steal the limelight but Restraint & Seclusion Laws and Enforcement are needed.

This is some thing we all can do. Raise our voice for a little longer and make it a little louder. TannersDad Tim