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Bathing Therapy

Autistic children can fight autism by addressing the heavy metal toxins that are trapped deep inside their bodies. Only when these toxins are removed from the patients' bodies would they start to experience a difference in health, overall.

Many articles have been written linking autism to mercury poisoning. The similarities between children with autism and people suffering from mercury poisoning are incredibly alike. I myself see the similarities since I suffer from mercury poisoning.

For more information click on

Divorce and Autism: They don’t have to go hand in hand. A father’s struggle to heal his son, his family and beat the odds

Let me introduce myself. I’m Emerson Donnell. Born and raised in New Jersey I waited until my 40’s to have a child. Little did I know I was a perfect match, a statistical poster of the typical parent who sires an autistic child, (an older white male living in New Jersey, the state with the highest incidence of autism.) And little did I know after the birth of my son Emerson that my wife Jen and I were being railroaded right into the next widely accepted statistic. Supposedly over 80% of marriages that sire an autistic child end in divorce. Some even say it’s more like 85%.

Vote for NAA today through Chase Community Giving on Facebook!

We have 5 more days to help our children's friends at the National Autism Association win $1 million to help kids and families affected by autism. After everyone here votes, please tell 5 more friends, 5 more parents of schoolmates, 5 co-workers, and 5 of anyone else you can think of. Here are 5 reasons why:

1) The stats are 1 in 110 children, 1 in 70 boys.
2) The National Autism Association believes autism is treatable and preventable, and that more research into cause and treatment are needed.

New Blog: Getting Children with Autism to Respond to Their Names

Check out my latest blog on Getting Children with Autism to Respond to their Names at:

Thanks for your support!


Mary Lynch Barbera, RN, MSN, BCBA

Autism, Empathy and Martin Luther King, Jr.

I have a son and a dream. My son is going to be eight this coming Tuesday. My son was diagnosed with autism at the age of 26 months. It still brings tears to eyes, although not necessarily for all of the same reasons as it did some six years ago.

You see, when your child is given a label on the autism spectrum, you are not only led to believe certain something’s, but expected to accept other certain something’s as well. Some of the most common are: autism is rare, autism is hereditary, and there is no treatment. Pretty bleak to say the least.


The world of teenage boys is a minefield.

My guy travelled to his Grandma to spend Christmas with my husband's family. He has been pretty psyched about the prospect of seeing the young friends around his age who usually come to these gatherings, and who might also be bringing the latest PSP or Wii games to help make the trauma of full-contact family gatherings more bearable. And though his scheduled routines get screwed up in a new place and new routine, there is usually someone there who knows how he is, and can get him calmed if he is getting upset by teasing or too much roughhousing.

FACEBOOK USERS - please vote for NAA

1 Vote - $1 Million for Autism

Our friends at the National Autism Association have a chance to win $1 Million Dollars through Chase Community Giving on Facebook! Through its programs like Helping Hand and FOUND, NAA provides real help to families affected by autism. Imagine how many families could be helped with a million dollars!

NAA is the only autism organization of the 100 charities in the running for $1 Million – and they need our support! Please take a minute to visit and vote today!

vaccine victims


Proving Your Case to the Special Masters

Sandra Cassidy Esq.

"...he no longer looked at his parents, nor looked at the revolving ceiling fan,
nor laughed at his toy.”
six month old Dustin Barton case number 91 1594V

Dedicated to my son Daniel who I love more than all the stars in the sky
