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I find it increasingly frustrating to hear from friends having a hard time getting information to help their children. Wouldn’t it be great to have a manual or FAQs packet of individualized data to help you help your child once you get an official diagnosis. The saying, “When you know one person with autism, you know one person.” I’m always hoping someone will add “…and…..” with more advice at the end of that sentence! What does that mean? Why can’t you tell me anything else? Where can I go to get help? Who should I trust? How long is this going to last?

International Autism Congress in Puerto Rico

This is the first International Congress combining ABA-Biomed to be held in the Puerto Rico Convention Center in San Juan PR during the days 6 and 7 of February 2010. Visit our website for more info on speakers, registration and donations.

Lorna Ortiz, PhD.
Curando el Autismo CEA
International Congress (ABA-Biomed)
San Juan PR 2010

How Does a Moron Make it Through Med School

How does a moron make it through medical school? The truth is: they don’t. So what can possibly explain idiots like Dr. Michael Green, an infectious disease expert from the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh, that defend an increase in the AAP and CDC’s recommended vaccination schedule? These people cannot be that stupid. They have had to get through medical school, no easy task I am sure. So what could the answer be? What could make physicians like Dr. Green vote to add more vaccines to an already massive vaccination protocol? There can only be one explanation: they are pure evil.

Free Autistic 11 year old Accused Felon Zakhqurey Price

Ok let me get this straight, The principal and teacher at Beard Elementary school in Fort Smith School District, Arkansas are charging autistic 11 year old Zakhqurey Price with a felony for getting hurt while trying to restrain him!?! I'm sooo Pissed about this outrage!! What the heck is this with Restraining of autistic kidz!?! These kidz are sick they don't need to be tied down!! How can the police even charge a autistic child with a felony for defending themselves from being tied down by 2 adults?? All these "INCOMPETENT" people should be fired and charged with a felony!!

The Age of Advocacy

The new decade has begun and I would like to thank all of you who have supported our mission and helped us along the way. Age of Autism was very kind in naming Teri and me Couple of the Year and I’m very touched by their support.


We've come so far, my Love

We've come so far, my Love

By Leslie McCann

With each improvement comes new expectations. I sometimes forget from where we've come. I sometimes focus too much on where we are now. I all too often focus on the things we still have to work on. I sometimes forget to pause in gratitude.

Therefore, I choose to take this brief moment in time to reflect on where we've come from ... to feel grateful ... to breath a sigh of relief that we are not THERE anymore. To be elated that we have come so far. We've come so far, my Love. Sweet Vail. My precious, precious Love.


While on holiday with family, my sister made a comment about how much improvement my boys had made since the last time she had seen them – it had been about 9 months since her last visit. I cheerfully accepted her polite observation with a thankful smile. She then began to list things she noticed as improvement in their behaviors. As I cataloged her observations, I began to realize the gains my boys had made in the past year. Maybe - just maybe - all that we do is making an impact.

Congrats to Ed and Teri!!!

In case you haven’t yet seen the news, Age of Autism just named Ed and Teri Arranga their “Couple of the Year” for 2009. I cannot think of any who could be nearly as deserving. Their work with Autism One, and The Autism File

how do you determine what to throw away when your child is toxic?

I just got the news that Zane has toxic levels (95th percentile) of mercury, lead, alluminum, arsenic, and two others I cant spell. He cant get rid of anything he is exposed to, and we know he has had recent exposure. Does anyone have any experience on how you figure out how to make our envirionment safe for him, is it . Is there anyone that can come to your house and test everything? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated

The Autism Recovery Diet PLUS...and successful recoveries

As the group founder of , I am more than happy to share with others the success our families of had with The Autism Recovery Diet PLUS. Many of the parents on our group have used the diet so successfully and their children are well on their way to recovery. One mom used it with her 13 year old daughter that is now only one year later, in regular High school. Her progress is amazing and her mother's dedication to this diet with her 8 children has been life changing.