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Solution to Killer Superbug Found in Norway

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Autism and relations

My name is Wim Styleman and I am living on the north of Belgium. I am 29 years old and leading a normal every day life with my girlfriend and my dog.


Both of my children have Autism My daughter age 8 has asperbergers, My son age 6 has PDD/NOS and combind type explosive disorder and they both have server ADHD. I think of them as a blesssing but a very challenging one at times. Autism is very puzzleing.....

Autism Aspergers When the Dust settles what will be left?

Last night (Monday, December 28, 2009 ) I attended the ASAN President Ari Ne'eman Answers Your Questions Preventing Harmful Restraint & Seclusion Act put on by the Autism Women's Network. Ari has Recently been appointed by President Obama to the National Council on disabilities. I was intrigued because Ari has had a position of divisiveness within the Autism Aspergers community. He has give the impression in the past that Autism / Aspergers was a difference not a disability. I wanted some answers.

Chelation! DMSA

Hello everyone my name is Lucy I am new here and would love to get to know more parents, hear about your success stories and learn and maybe even teach others what I have learned! Today I want to hear from other parents who have done chelation using DMSA, I just got done with Peanut's first round and will start back up this Saturday the 1st. I have noticed some mild regression which I heard was normal and expected, not fun but what can you do right.

Applied Behavior Analysis

I am working with the Inland Regional Center to get ABA services and have attended the classes necessary for parents before being approved for services. I have the general idea of how ABA works- repetitious requests, praising the children when they make an effort etc. I am concerned that since I am not the primary care giver since I have to work, I will not be able to reinforce what the ABA Therapists teach him.


My son was diagnosed with autism in January 2009 and turned 3 in October 2009. He generally cannot feed himself except for finger foods/snacks that he likes such as Lays potato chips. He also does not like to chew so we have to blend most of his food and spoon feed him. Once in March of this year, I worked with him for a week to teach him how to hold a spoon and feed himself. It worked! He could feed himself rice and even his GFCF hot cereal (he usually made a big mess with the latter). Then around May, he just stopped and it has been very sporadic since then.

The Best Day of My Life - Happy Holidays and New Year from Autism One

The Best Day of My Life - Happy Holidays and New Year from Autism One

Today was the best day of my life because today was the day I saw the most joy emanate from my beloved son, Ian. He went to sleep on Christmas Eve at a reasonable hour and with a new musical toy in which he took great delight. He woke up happy. He was delighted this morning with another new musical toy. He did the best he's ever done with unwrapping. He made an appropriate choice between two foods. He exhibited the most superb eye contact. He sparkled longer than ever.

No Blog, Just Wishing Everyone A Wonderful Christmas Day

Try not to stress.....

Pharma Ho-Ho-Ho (Julie's Christmas Present)

I decided to break out of my current blogging sabbatical to briefly comment on the Christmas present Julie Gerberding just got. For those who have not yet heard, the former head of the Centers for Disease Control ¬⎯ the federal agency responsible for formulating our government’s vaccination policies ⎯ has just been named to be the new president of Merck Vaccine.