Religious Exemption

Here is a great example of a "Religious Exemption" to give to your school district, and not get your child vaccinated!! Hope this helps!!

To Whom It May Concern;

My/Our child's body is the temple of God.

My/Our family's personal religious beliefs prohibit the injection of foreign
substances into our bodies. To inject into my/our child any substance which
would alter her/his state into which he/she was born would be to criticize
our Lord and question His divine omnipotence. My/Our faith will not allow us
to question our Lord and God nor to challenge His divine power.

My/Our objection is based on my/our lifelong, deeply-held religious beliefs.

The vaccination of my/our child violates laws put forth within us by a
higher force at the time of conception.

My/Our personal religious beliefs include my/our obedience to God's law, the
Ten Commandments, and I/we believe that I/we am/are responsible before God
for the life and safety of my/our child, created by God.

Respectfully Submitted