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Knowing When To Let Go(:

One of the paradoxes of parenting is that you do your job as a mother or father, knowing your child will eventually leave you.

As parents we give our children two great gifts, one is roots and the other is wings. I’m forever struggling to find balance between offering support and stepping back to let my son learn from his own experiences and from his own mistakes. I need to trust in him and find the faith that the seeds I have planted have taken root, therefore, he can prepare for take off, spread his wings, and fly safely on his own.

Will There Be Justice?

On Thursday, January 28th 2010, The GMC,General Medical Council, will release their finding in the professional misconduct charges filed against Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Professors John Walker-Smith and Simon Murch. While the verdict is days away, I don’t think anyone personally affected by the autism / vaccine connection is incredibly optimistic regarding this outcome. If you are, then you need to remove your rose-colored glasses and take a reality pill.

Convert the bane of a typical autistic behavior into therapy:

Every child's autism is different and unique, however, there are also many common traits. One of the most frustrating and dangerous is what I call the deaf run. This is where the child will bolt from a parent's hand for some desired object. Normal children do this as well, however, many autistic children are particularly talented at ignoring their parents. They also may be quite fixated on a particular item or object which acts as a terrible distraction when attempting a therapy session.

An Open Letter to the Trib

January 21, 2010

Mr. Tony Hunter
President, Publisher
Chicago Tribune Company
435 North Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60611

Dear Mr. Hunter:

Sound therapies

Just wanted to make myself available to answer questions parents or professionals have about the benefits and effects of any of the sound-based therapies like AIT, Tomatis, EnListen, Fast ForWord or others. Reach out and let me know if I can help you.
Dorinne Davis

Autism Treatment Workshop - San Francisco, January 30th - Dr. Woeller, Julie Matthews, Stan Kurtz.

If you know someone who cares for a child with autism, please tell them about this important Autism Treatment Workshop in the San Francisco Bay Area - or please attend yourself. Three leading autism educators (including myself) will be informing parents of the latest medical treatments, supplementation, nutrition, and special diets that are helping children on the spectrum.

Event Web Site:


Can you help spread this important message?

$1Million worth of REAL help and hope to families affected by autism. Please
vote here:

We are sending this along to folks because the NAA is the only autism
specific organization listed in the running for the Chase Community Giving
program. We ask that you please vote for NAA because we know that the funds
will be spent on those individuals that need support and that hope will
continue to be offered to families living with autism daily.



A short biography of Robert Eusebio

Absolute BODYFITNESS National Champion, Professional Fitness

I was under the age of fifteen when the doctor advised me, rather forced me to attend a gym (fitness centers did not exist).

I weighed 59 kilos for a height of one meter and eighty centimeters; I had a roach back attitude, with anteversion of the basin and began to worsen scoliotic curve of the column: in short, that type of man described as "spineless" ... but ironically it's true I had serious problems ! Friends call me skinny!

She's Going to Recover!

The screaming and tantrums would begin as early as 4:30 am on some mornings. This would continue throughout the day until she would finally pass out with exhaustion. Watching in terror as she bashed her tiny little head off the hard wood floors between bouts of running full speed into walls, doors, furniture and appliances was the norm. We would lose her into staring spells that she simply could not pull out. She was nearly three and couldn’t talk. She only started walking shortly after her 2nd birthday. What was wrong with our beautiful little girl?

OSR#1: Industrial chemical or autism treatment?

Uh-Oh! The Chicago Tribune is at it again!! I'm not sure if I would use this product with my daughter, but I'm really annoyed that the Chicago Tribune continues to bash biomed and outright lie about it (heavy metal toxicity in these kids is scientifically unfounded?! Really? I've got the results of a very scientific urine test of my 9 yr old showing ungodly amounts of aluminum!) Also, "the mercury that USED to be in childhood vaccines"?! Try, the mercury that is STILL in childhood vaccines! The vaccines all received exemptions here in Illinois!!