Can you help spread this important message?

$1Million worth of REAL help and hope to families affected by autism. Please
vote here:

We are sending this along to folks because the NAA is the only autism
specific organization listed in the running for the Chase Community Giving
program. We ask that you please vote for NAA because we know that the funds
will be spent on those individuals that need support and that hope will
continue to be offered to families living with autism daily.

As parents of an eighteen year old son living with autism, we've always
sought what we've felt is best to meet his needs, support him daily, and
encourage his dreams for a future filled with endless possibilities.
However we also know there are many families who are not as fortunate as we
are to have been able to bring our son to a place where he is
self-determined and living his life and seeking out those opportunities he
can now choose.

Please support the national organization that we feel honors choice,
provides education, enlightens others, as well as asks the important
questions. We know this funding will not be wasted on big salaries or
administration costs......we know it will go where it's
individuals living with autism.

We love you Nicholas and want to thank all of those that have supported
Nicholas, our family, and our efforts to support the autism community.

Please's just a click and costs nothing but a couple of minutes
of our time, time that can result in opening many more paths for individuals
living with autism.

With much appreciation,

Andrew and Carolyn Gammicchia