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Nothing new in Autism??

I've talked a bit about my son and his biomedical treatment at work....well, that's a lie because I work at an elementry school in our city that is known as the "Autism School". So, I have voiced LOTS of opinions to MANY staff members and they are pretty much sick of hearing it by now. At lunch, I talked briefly with the librairan, who, in the early 80's, worked as a Special Ed teacher and was very familiar with Autism.

My answers

I would like to share and help with my "small answers" for a big problem.
My approach with Autism is totally personal, shaped on my special friend and delivers every day some small steps forwards that I put together to reach a way to communicate; working with profound autism is a really unique experience and I feel every moment what is going on in the beautiful mind that stands in front of me. Is that a gift? I think yes. That is why I would like to help if I can.

Picto Selector is becoming popular

Only a few months ago i started with my website to publish my freeware PECS tool. And without any marketing budget I got over 100 unique visitors each day from over the world.

I'm really glad with this result and eagerly waiting what the rest of the year will bring.

CNN Fair & Balanced that is All the Vaccine Safety Advocacy groups want... Autism Answers

it seems recently that the Government, Mainstream Medical Community, and Pharmaceutical companies can white wash the walls of dissension with the stroke of a pen. The leaders of the safe vaccine advocacy community are saying after Fridays announcement that Thimerosal the mercury preservative in vaccines has been cleared by a vaccine court ruling in 3 test cases are upset. They say “Government attorneys defend a government program using government-funded science before government judges.

The Candy Store new programming discontinued on Autism One Radio

New programming of The Candy Store on Autism One Radio was discontinued earlier in the month of March.

Our best to families, listeners, and visitors,
Autism One

Vaccines and Autism *our story*

I understand that it's hard to believe. Had it not happened to us, maybe I wouldn't believe it could happen either. But it DID happen to us, to my daughter.

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Wondering if my ASD child is suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder. Would like to hear feedback form ASD parents who has experienced this with your child. Has anyone used "Light Therapy"? After talking with my sons OT today, we discussed this. My child has sleep issues and it was suggested that maybe his Circadian Rhythm might be off balance. Light therapy was recommended.

On VoiceAmerica, Tuesday, March 16: ANIMAL FACTORY with best-selling author David Kirby

Tuesday, March 16, noon ET



HOST: Teri Arranga

ANIMAL FACTORY with best-selling author DAVID KIRBY

Spring starts


Spring has arrived. Showed Caleb the flowers when he got home but he was more interested in getting to snack. I'll reinforce the flowers with a book about them later tonight and let him tear one apart while repeating the parts mentioned in the book.

Call Your Congressperson

I'm going to talk to my Congressperson and try to get the Medicaid Waiver Program law re-written. I have the appointment with her soon. The parents should be able to get the respite money from the Medicaid Waiver Program. We do all the work anyway. It is hard to find people who want to help with older children who are not toilet trained. It would help if everyone contacted their Congressperson and asked them to let parents be their child's resite worker. Can I count on you? Our family is barely making ends meet. Autism is a rich person's disability.