Teri Arranga

I have a 21 yr old son with autism and a daughter with ADD & seizures. I have attended Autism One and been on the biomedical path for 5 years now.
I came across the book, The Healing Code by Alex Loyd & Ben Johnson, through the MB12Valtrex Yahoo group. Techniques used in this book are recovering my son very fast (I am talking weeks!) and I would like you and Ed to consider having Alex Loyd at the Autism One conference.
I would also like you to try it on your son. Call me at 608-235-9084 (cell) and I will tell you exactly what to do. You will see surprising results in 12 days.
I know this sounds crazy but please just try this for yourself on your son. I promise I will donate $100 to AO if it does not work for you. Promise.
sally averkamp
No family members added yet.

About Me
Teri Arranga is the executive director of AutismOne. Teri is the editor of Dr. Andrew Wakefield's books Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines - The Truth Behind a Tragedy and Waging War on the Autistic Child: The Arizona 5 and the Legacy of Baron von Munchausen, both of which are published by Skyhorse Publishing. She is the editor of Dr. William Walsh's Nutrient Power, and she has contributed to and provided editing for all editions of Skyhorse's Cutting-Edge Therapies for Autism series. Teri is co-editor of the book Bugs, Bowels, and Behavior: The Groundbreaking Story of the Gut-Brain Connection. She has been involved with a number of media projects, including consulting for medical documentaries such as by award-winning filmmaker Lina Moreco of Canada, appearing in the award-winning documentary Beautiful Son, and consulting for the April 2007 Discover magazine article "Understanding Autism." Teri received the National Autism Association's Believe Award for 2008. She has been an active advocate in the autism community for many years, including attending and broadcasting events in Washington, DC.
...to provide information toward healing the physiological conditions underlying an autism diagnosis, thereby restoring health and function to affected individuals, to help prevent further cases of autism from developing, to help prevent further suffering in children, and to help families touched by an autism diagnosis.
Please please please fix the link to Dr. Bradstreet's presentation on Stem Cells. Whenever you click on the link for the presentation titled
"Are Stem Cells the Future of Autism Biomedical Therapies?" we get a different presentation after the advertisement. Thank you.