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Age of Autism: An American Classic

Most of the time the autism community moves ahead in small steps, but other times we make great strides. So it is with the publication of Olmsted and Blaxill’s seminal work, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Man-made Epidemic. Today, we take a giant stride forward.

Tracing the destruction caused by mercury in medicine throughout the centuries, Olmsted and Blaxill deconstruct modern-day arguments that rest on shoddy science and manipulative semantics. Clearly written and rigorously annotated, Olmsted and Blaxill’s work is chilling in the truths it uncovers.

Books Books Books

This has been a big year for new authors and favorites of the autism community. This year I've read Animal Factory by David Kirby, Callous Disregard by Dr. Andrew Wakefield and Not My Boy! by Rodney Pete. I also read a book by Andrew Zimmerman (he's 14!) titled What Is My Mother Doing To Me?: A Teenager's Journey To Recovered Health Through Biomedical Interventions.
I'm looking forward to reading The Age of Autism by Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill - I was hoping to borrow it from a friend, but all my friends' friends want to read the book too, so I just ordered it.

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Time-out or "Resource" Rooms

At times, students with autism may require a visit to a time-out or "resource" room to allow the child to regain self-control during periods of outburst or frustration. What should these rooms be like in our schools if they must be there? Obviously, they must be durable and sound-isolated. However, most significantly for me as a design professional, these spaces should be separated from the public areas so as to provide the isolated child with greater dignity. Some designers must think our ASD kids do not have awareness or feelings.

Vaccine-Autism Court Award of $1.5M

Vaccine-Autism Court Award of $1.5M
On the heels of a federal appeals court ruling that denied an association between autism and vaccines, the family of nine-year-old Hannah Poling will receive more than $1.5 million to provide for her care for the rest of her life, to compensate for lost earnings, and for pain and suffering for the first year. Hannah developed autism after receiving vaccinations for nine diseases during one visit to her doctor.

The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic released today!

Today, September 14, The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic is at bookstores and available online. We need your help.

Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill's groundbreaking book, The Age of Autism, traces the autism epidemic by examining the first diagnosed cases of autism. Dan and Mark's detailed research is impeccable and their conclusions are stunning. Their book will revolutionize the way people think about autism and children's health.

We need this book to make a big splash with the American public and you can help. Here is what we need you to do:

CARD Canada Autism Conference

CARD Canada Autism Conference
Friday, October 22, 2010
The Galt Country Club
750 Coronation Blvd
Cambridge, Ontario N1R 8E3


Soil Chemists Plant Ferns to Soak Up Backyard Poisons

This is an older video but I think it may provide some useful info to some as a source of cleaning up toxins in the area around homes.

Soil Chemists Plant Ferns to Soak Up Backyard Poisons

Planting ferns can be a cheaper, greener way to soak up poisons such as arsenic from the soil. Ferns absorb arsenic through their roots and store it in their leaves, which can then be cut off. Arsenic -- once used to treat wood -- can still lurk in old roofs, decks, and playgrounds.

Link to article and video:

On the release date! September 14 on VoiceAmerica -- The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic

On the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel
Tuesday, September 14
12 noon ET / 9 AM PT

Autism One: A Conversation of Hope with host Teri Arranga

On the release date!

The Age of Autism: Mercury, Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic with Dan Olmsted and Mark Blaxill

A New Voice of Hope. Autism Support.

I sat down to write a very inspirational blog post today, but then I prayed. I realized today is a day like few others. It was a day that innocence and souls were lost. We remember Pray & Dedicate ourselves to the memories of those that died, survived & Were left alone on 9/11. When it comes to 9/11 we have a duty to remember, lift up those who sacrificed, Never forget & Never let it happen again. That is what A key date in your memory is supposed to do. Spur you onto action. Keep you on your toes. Ever Vigilant.