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Do autism myths hinder potential?

At first when I thought about "Autism Myths", the most irritating one that came to mind is the idea of an Autistic Savant. That is to say, that often when people hear your child has Autism, they immediately and expectantly ask you what his "Super Skill" is. "Wow! So, is he like, amazing in math and count numbers in his head and stuff?" "Can he tell you on what day of the week I was born?" "Is he Artistic?" "A musical genious?"

Personalized Video from Santa for the Kids

If you are like us holidays is an awesome time but very stressfull. I found this awesome website where you can personalize a video from Santa for our kids. If your kids are like mine they love visuals.

This is an awesome tool. Hope you enjoy it. Share with me your experience and how your kids liked it..

Happy Holidays!!


5 tips to becoming a happier family unit TODAY!!

So I was pondering marriage and autism tonight and I realized how many single parents are out there. I see so many happy couples that have a typical family (whatever that means anymore) and it seems like they are so “hallmark” in many ways. I think that for the majority of divorced or separated couples it was just too much and there just isn’t a support system set up or any pre-counseling prior to getting the diagnoses (which how could there be).

Update from the front. Autism Support and Vaccine Injury

A few things happened this week that prompted me to write a little update from the front lines of the war for support for our loved ones dealing with Autism. In case you are reading this for the first time. My name is Tim Welsh and I blog, tweet, write and respond around the web as TannersDad. I take debating very seriously and spend hours reading and studying.

Wyatt's Eyes

Wyatt’s new thing is to have me lie in his bed with him until he falls asleep. He always lies on his side facing me, and gazes into my eyes from about 5 inches away, penetrating with purity all the way through my heart and soul. Sometimes, as he studies the depths in my eyes, there’s a trace of a smile on his lips, and at other times it is a serious and thoughtful gaze, as though reading what is burned onto my heart like a book. Either way, it seems I can not absorb the love and innocence of those crystal eyes for long without suddenly falling into a mesmerized sleep.

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops By Henry B. Adams

My son will be graduating this year and going on to college.
My wish is that we can offer you hope, this letter I sent to every teacher Jordan has ever had!

A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell, where his influence stops
By Henry B. Adams

For Jordan, this statement is so very true.

Are You Jealous? Autism and Emotions

Are you Jealous? How many emotions do family members dealing with Autism go through in a day. Then I was thinking how many do we bury? It is great to talk. It is even better to talk to your partner. What Happens when the pipes flowing Communication get clogged with artery sludge of pent up unspoken emotions. Today I would like to talk about Jealousy. Remember this is from the perspective of a man that many say is unable to process and understand the emotions of those around me.

This Month on Injecting Sense

This month on Injecting Sense: The Radio Edition, we'll be talking with John Gilmore, the Executive Director of the Autism Action Network. We'll talk about advocacy in general, and discuss the battle for insurance coverage in New York. Join us this Sunday, November 28th, at 1:00 p.m. EST, on Autism One Radio (or catch it later in the AO Radio archives).

Introducing Wyatt’s Way Home, and my Dreams…

I’d like to start by introducing everyone to Wyatt, my only child, and the fulfillment of a lifelong dream. I think it’s safe to say that most people over 50 can recall certain dreams from younger days that somehow escaped them. It may be a small dream or, as in my case, the biggest dream of all that over time falls victim to circumstance, and finally fades from hope altogether. When my first marriage ended with a whimper by mutual consent at age 45 with no children, I had already grown used to the idea that my earliest dreams of love and a family were just never meant to be.

Happy Thanksgiving: Eat & Enjoy

Most of the holidays today seem to revolve around food. The 4th of July: steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs or any food that can be barbequed; Easter: chocolate, hard-boiled eggs, ham, lamb and peeps; Labor Day: beer and buffalo wings; Veteran’s Day: parade food, like pretzels; Memorial Day: picnic salads; Mother’s Day, Valentines and Halloween: candy; New Year’s Eve: champagne, liquors and liqueurs.