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Help we are going to Grandma and Grandpa's house this season and we are new to the GF/CF/SF diet and need easy substitutions!!

Reminding you all again that I am not an editor, nor am I good with commas, spelling or all of the above. I just write from the heart and hope it helps at least one of you out there....

Okay, so you are going to Grandma and Grandpa's house and the whole family is getting together and you are freaked out because you don't know what to feed your kiddo because you are new to the diet... I remember those days and really in the beginning it can be a bit confusing and overwhelming. Try not to stress too hard.

Typical meal you may see at Grandma and Grandpa's:

Feeling down around the holidays, tips on how to stay positive

So this is my first post and I want to let you know now that I am not an editor, nor am I good with commas, grammar, spelling and all of the above. I just write from my heart and I hope it helps at least one person feel as if they are not alone in this world we know as autism......

My First Electronic Book Saving Deets By Zack Gonzalez

I owe Zack an apology. I got an electronic copy of his book Saving Deets a few months ago. I just was not in the right frame of mind to sit down and read what I thought would be a slog fest through the trials of initial Diagnosis and the heartbreaking frustration all of our families deal with. Maybe it was scary just the thought of having to read the book on the computer. You know I am kind of old school.

Autism Speaks has Spoken

I was hesitant to write this blog but this is something that I wanted to share with all of you. As you may be aware I was just in Egypt teaching the Exercise Connection Program to the ETC & Advance Center of Cairo and I presented for the Arab Network for Autism.
While I was there I spoke with many people and founders of autism organizations and centers from the Arab Countries.

Mason Alert Update Wandering Awareness and Prevention

On Wednesday, November 10 and Thursday November 11 the Mason Allen Medlam Foundation for Autism Safety met with the creators of the Take Me Home Program to create new registry software known as the Mason Alert Take Me Home Program.

Today I Cried. #FAY Feel Autism Yet?

Let's just say I am not a really emotional person outwardly. There are times when my wife would say I am devoid of emotion. I think it is a source of pride that I am usually even keeled and not much knocks me off center in this Roller Coaster life dealing with Autism.. Todays events though knocked me for a loop and I Cried.

Chicago, Cairo & Cincinnati - Egypt Day 2

Within the last two months I have talked, taught and worked with parents and professionals affected by autism from Chicago, Cairo and Cincinnati. Yesterday, my second day in Egypt, Maadi specifically, I gave my first two presentations to the ADVANCE Center.

Egypt - Day 1

This is my first experience traveling outside of the United States. I have never even crossed the Canadian border to gamble in Windsor or party down south in Mexico. I was a bit nervous about the flight; would I be able to survive in the seats? would i have room to stretch? will I fall asleep? and about a hundred other thoughts...

Belly Buttons, Chicken Wings, Election, and Autism Things To contemplate

Did you know if you Google "Belly Buttons" Today it comes up 429,000 times. I swear this topic or one related was a trending topic on Twitter and the nightly glam News was spouting something about them. I don't know why but is stuck in my head and I can't shake the the thought. Why does the public fixate, react, and discuss topics such as this?
A friend of mine donated my 30,000th tweet a few months ago. It went something like this.

"If it is not directed, it is not discussed. It is time to discuss Autism." Dan Sokola