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The BP Gulf oil catastrophe is not the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, contrary to news headlines. The hugeness of the blow-out captures our attention, but the worst pollution actually takes place here in our ordinary lives, in hardly-noticed events that add up day after day.

Developing independence

When our high-functioning ASD son was 16, we realized that we needed to begin to support him for adulthood and needed to provide him opporunities for independence. Given that our home was tucked back on a private road shared by 7 homes, we were comfortable with his being alone for short periods of time (up to one hour). Our goal for our son since he was about 14 was to help him develop living and vocational skills towards his future indepenence.

Please Support ARI’s Efforts to Win a Grant to Assist Homeless Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

Please Support ARI’s Efforts to Win a Grant to Assist Homeless Individuals on the Autism Spectrum

Pharma Apologists Revealed

Many AutismOne readers have, no doubt, been faithfully following news of the esteemed Dr. Andrew Wakefield's book tour for his crucially important expose of the real story behind the attempt to silence science: Callous Disregard.

But for every group of intelligent and sincere parents out there, there's bound to be at least one fly in the ointment who acidly regurgitates the status quo doublespeak du jour.

The impact on younger children of a sibling with autism

Hi. I am an architect and mother of three children. My firm is passionate for designing environments for children and adults with special needs. This is my heart.

Danville Elks Lodge 332 Benefit for Tanner Welsh

Saturday, July 31, 2010 @4:47:34 AM

Danville Elks Lodge 332 Benefit for Tanner

August 21 · 11:00am - 11:30pm

Location 421 N Vermilion St Danville IL

More Info Old Fashion Fish Fry & Party to benefit Tanner Welsh who
is dealing with Autism. Proceeds will go to help with therapy,
Elopement prevention ( Running) and Equipment. If you can not
attend please send a donation to

Tanner Welsh Benefit fund
Danville Elks Lodge 332
421 N Vermilion Danville IL 61832!/event.php?eid=136349613071760

The Internet is Like Autism

The Internet is Like Autism

A friend recently sent me a link to a Steven Colbert interview with Nicholas Carr, the author of “The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains.” Carr contends the Internet is dumbing us down by bombarding us with bits and pieces of information. Backed by a mountain of research Carr believes we are creating new habits of the mind never pausing long enough to comprehend at any meaningful level what we read, hear or see on the Internet.

Kvetching about Sick Children

Kvetching about Sick Children

Why do we write about, talk about, meet about and, in general, complain about children’s chronic illnesses in the U.S. when statistics show that, year by year, we Americans are living to an ever riper old age?

That’s a favorite gotcha question, usually employed by defenders of the right to pollute and intended to squash or at least minimize the impact of the damage we describe. Sometimes, though, it can be an honest question posed by someone really wanting to learn. So, it’s worth thinking about.

Adventures in Healing Arts- "Singing Bowls"

Having grown up with a Korean mom, the concept of healthy energy flow (or chi) has always played a role in my approach to living. So, when we decided to try helping our autistic son, Justin on a deeper level than just treating his physical symptoms, healing arts made perfect sense to us. After all, healing arts are all about creating harmony between the systems in our bodies- something much lacking autistic children. I’ve been practicing Reiki on my son for some time now, combined with kid-friendly yoga and meditation.

The World Changes in September Book Review: The Age of Autism Mercury, Medicine,and A Manmade Epidemic

Book Review The Age of Autism Mercury, Medicine, and a Manmade Epidemic

My name is Tim Welsh I have been an advocate for change in the Autism community for about six years I usually post as TannersDad. I have lived breathed smelled touched felt seen heard and spoken about the Autism crisis for about 8 years. I blog, tweet, speak & fight for rights, action, attention, support, Services, & Answers. I have seen advancement on all fronts except one. The Last one Answers. Until Now.