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Designing a Music Therapy Room for Greater Success

As students on the Autism Spectrum are easily distracted, it is important to orient a music therapy room to reduce distraction. Architects and music therapists should be fully aware of the student environment when designing for any new music therapy room. Ceiling fans are great for air movement. The floor surface should be carpet or rubber flooring for sound absorption and have no level change or platform. A hard surface area should be provided for dancing to music as it is easier for a student to move on this type of surface.

Pretty People Wanted

A national modeling agency got a contract from pharma interests to help hawk flu shots. Get ready for a nationwide rollout of similar ads and a smiling face pushing flu vaccines in a mall near you.

Email Posting Follows:

Greeters and Admins needed for Mobile flu Clinic
posted: August 19, 2010, 03:05 PM


Food – The Wonder Years

I’ve always had a certain fascination with cooking. I learned to cook at an early age and worked as a cook at a number of restaurants to earn money when going to college. I even toyed with the idea of attending the Culinary Institute of America.

Growing up I loved heading off into the woods with a book, sleeping bag, Coleman lantern and a mess kit. The highlight of the day would be building a campfire and preparing dinner. With luck it would be fish, potatoes and berries.

My Soap Box just got Bigger Did yours? Triumph & Tragedy Feeling Autism on a Weekend Ride in Theme Park Earth

I am not sure where to start. This weekend we witnessed both God & The Devil at work. Triumph & Tragedy were both on the agenda. It seems to me that all highs seem to have equal & horrific lows. Some call it balance of nature. Others call it the perpetual fight between the Devil & God. Either way lets start with the good.

Poor Choices of your ASD teen

Hi. I am the mother of a soon to be 19 year old ASD adult who came home for the weekend from his residential school. By day two, he had picked up and played his father's very good and expensive guitar, and then, when caught, he scrambled up to his room and proceeded to climb out his second floor bedroom window. His 11 year old sister caught him hanging out the sill. Why would he do this? Because he knew he never should have touched the guitar, and he knew he had made a poor choice so he decided he would run.

Dr. Neubrander Speaking at Holistic Neurology Conference in Pittsburgh

This is an excellent opportunity to hear Dr. Neubrander speak in person. I think he is absolutely brilliant and have seen many patients improve with the use of Methyl B-12.

Neurological Health: An Integrative & Holistic Perspective

Saturday, September 11, 2010, 8AM-5PM. The Pennsylvania Association of Naturopathic Physicians will be hosting its second annual conference at the Green Tree Radisson Hotel in Pittsburgh. Approved for 6.25 CE credits through the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians.

WOW! FREE SHIPPING offer from NuLife Foods!

WOW - FREE SHIPPING prior to September 1st on orders of $150 or more - click blog to read more and get your FREE SHIPPING CODE! You love the food, your schedule loves the food, and, best of all, YOUR KIDS LOVE THE FOOD -- NuLife Foods! NuLife foods is extending a limited time offer of FREE SHIPPING (Yay, Yay, and did we say YAY?!) to anyone who uses the following special code. This offer is available to anyone who purchases $150 or more of NuLife Foods prior to September 1st. No other promotions will be applied, but you will get free shipping.

Truer Today Than Ever

Searching for a document today I ran across a piece Robert F. Kennedy Jr. wrote in 2004 and was struck by its relevance today. Enjoy.

By Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Personal Space Conflict and Strategies for ASD Children and their Siblings

The greatest conflict in our home was our ASD son's invasion of personal and physical spaces of his siblings and parents. He either invaded the personal space surrounding his siblings or he violated their rooms to take things that did not belong to him. He clearly knew he should not do this because when he hid them in his room, he hid them incredibly well. Thus, I learned how to become a master sleuth.

Dads are Important

• The more frequently a father visited the hospital of an infant who is prematurely born, the more rapidly the infant gained weight and the more quickly the infant was able to leave the hospital.
• More important, the more the father visited, the better was the infant's social-personal development and its ability to adapt.
• In a study of black infants, the more interaction the boy had with the father, the higher his mental competence and psychomotor functioning by the age of six months.