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Welcome Aboard:-)
You'll be happy to know many of your fellow crew members have been aboard for years and seen some of the most likely storms you'll see as this boat plies the rough waters of ASD. Our intended destination is the port of Recovery. Our sister ships (the Autism Collaboration, links on the "home" page) are also crewed by parents like yourselves. Best of Luck!

New Member

I have joined the group after my husband informed me of this group. Our middle son Russell has autisum and we still are attempting to learn as much as possible to assist him in growing up. He is almost 9 years old starting 4th grade this year. He is a very loving child who keeps us on our toes and busy at all times. Once we feel we figured out a plan or something to work he deicdes to throw in a loophole.

A Dad's Strength II

For the past few days I have been thinking about what I wrote in my blog, A Dad’s Strength”
Yesterday, as I worked with a lower functioning boy on the spectrum many thoughts were going through my mind as to what many Dad’s must feel. As I walked with, will call him “Joe,” he flapped his hands walking on his toes and just smiled. He is older so I always walk in front of him to give him his independence in the community. He was smiling but doesn’t say much because his verbal skills are so poor.

Brandon's Window--A Grandmother's Documentary of Reversing Autism Naturally

Brandon's Window-- A Grandmother's Documentary of Reversing Autism Naturally

Through a natural diet, natural supplements, and detoxing through lifestyle changes, we are reversing my grandson's autism using natural methods.

Seeing is believing! For more information go to and get direct links to over 125 videos of my grandson Brandon's amazing progress More videos are to be posted in the future of this ongoing documentary.

Mentorship for New Parents

Our son, Logan, was diagnosed with autism in May. Three months have passed, and I feel like now I am just starting to get some perspective back in my life and am able to see the big picture in all of this. Quite honestly, the past 3 months have been a blur of emotions, stress and confusion, mixed in with appointments with pediatricians, OT's, psychologists, social workers, family doctors, physiotherapists and behavioral aides.

"Oh, That's Just The Autism"

DS was a happy, gentle, high functioning Autistic toddler. Since there was no delay in when he began speaking, DS's needs were effectively communicated. As such, he was immersed, like any child, in the bliss of early childhood. At the time I worked in childcare. DS being my only child, I routinely spoke of how comparatively high maintenance were the regular kids I cared for at work. I often heard myself say things like, "I'll take my Autistic child any day" and that, "regular kids are over-rated", in a LOL, "isn't this ironic?" sort of way.

My Son Has Autism... So What!

David's recent blog entry inspired me to post this excerpt a letter that my husband wrote for my son's journal, From Autism To All-Star.

I hope it encourages Fathers who read this to become more involved with their children's lives.

2004 From Dad to Jordan

I knew long before you were born that you’d be special. It took mom and me so long to conceive you that when you finally arrived I .thought I would be ready for anything. Little did I know.

Medicaid Waiver Program: What's Wrong?

What is wrong with the Medicaid Waiver Program for respite? Where do I start. Let's see, first of all it is almost impossible to receive the Medicaid Waiver Program because they recently changed it to a lottery type system now. First off you have to apply and do the paper work with the organization that is handling your area. Then you wait and wait (forever) because they made it a lottery type system now in order for your name to be picked. I am sure it is faster if you happen to know someone in order for your name to be called (Illinois politics!!!).

A Dad's Strength

This is one of the hardest things for me to write and share with possibly thousands of people that I don’t know. However, if it helps one father, one family, and one child then it was all worth it.

Many people ask me, “Are you a Dad?” “No,” I respond but I have 40 children that I work with each day. I have been working with children on the spectrum for the last 5 years and most recently work at a school for children with autism, where we serve children from ages 5-21. There of nearly 70 employees I am one of 5 males that work with the children.