Tiffany's blog
Detox behaviors??
I need some words of wisdom from parents who have "been there." Our 4-year-old son has been on the GFCF diet for 4 months now, and has shown improvement. In the past 2 weeks I have started to wean him gradually off soy, and have also started to increase the amount of leafy green vegetables (spinach, kale), and other veggies in his diet. I am primarily going with raw foods (fruits and veggies) over cooked.
Mentorship for New Parents
Our son, Logan, was diagnosed with autism in May. Three months have passed, and I feel like now I am just starting to get some perspective back in my life and am able to see the big picture in all of this. Quite honestly, the past 3 months have been a blur of emotions, stress and confusion, mixed in with appointments with pediatricians, OT's, psychologists, social workers, family doctors, physiotherapists and behavioral aides.
Emotions of a New Parent
I'm a new autism parent. Our son was diagnosed in May, 2009. He turned four this month. I wanted to express my emotions and discuss the challenges we have worked through in the past few months. I'm sure that many, if not all autism mothers (and fathers) have had similar experiences.
I think that getting a diagnosis of autism for your child is perhaps one of the most devastating things that can happen to a parent, short of a terminal illness or death. In the first few weeks/months, I have experienced all of the stages of grief: denial, anger, barganing, depression and acceptance.