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I Wish There Were Two of Me!

I often say that I wish there were two of me but that the world has a difficult enough time coping with but one. I do so wish that I could boast Lin, the mother warrior of all things autism and Lin, the person that must join the ranks of the world as we know it. The world where you earn a pay check, care for your family and home, contribute to society and are considered a productive asset to your community. For me, it is near impossible to be both. Autism demands entirely too much time and attention. You or least I end up choosing one over the other. I chose my son, who has autism.



For many years there has been a lot of discussion of the possible causative effects of the childhood vaccines. Much of the focus of past years has been on the issue of thimerosal, a preservative agent used in the vaccines. I think one of the main confusions at this point is the apparent inability of those viewing the argument, from either side, to separate the issues of thimerosal and the 'vaccines' themselves.

Teacher and Parent Considerations for a Successful Learning Environment

Teacher and Parent Considerations for a Successful Inclusionary Environment

Angelina Strum, M.Ed., M.A., NBCT


• Are visuals used to communicate expectations
• Is there a consistent schedule and how is it communicated (pictures, written, verbal, etc.)
• How are changes in the schedule communicated to the student?
• How are assignments given? Throughout the day or at the end of the day?

Teacher and Parent School Year Checklist for Successful Inclusion

Teacher and Parent School Year Checklist for Successful Inclusion

Angelina Strum, M.Ed., M.A., NBCT

SEPTEMBER (Laying the foundation)

• Has a student interest inventory or profile been done as a way to better understand the child?
• Have you read and do you truly understand what is written in the child’s IEP?
• How are support services (ex. Speech, OT, etc.) being incorporated into his day? What are the services minutes and are they being met?
• Are the SLP and OT actively providing support within the classroom setting?

A mother's confession...will you help me KISS autism goodbye?

I confess....I'm jealous. I wish those who have been afflicted with Autism had an organization to turn to for help, advice, and most importantly monetary support. St. Jude's Hospital is an outstanding resource for those with pediatric cancer. Jerry Lewis has dedicted his life to help those with muscular dystrophy. A sister ,forms an organization in honor of her sister whose life was cut short by breast cancer...Susan B. Komen. Relay for Life, Diabetes Walks, etc.

What about Autism?

Does My Child with Autism Have Sensory Processing Disorder? Article By: Lisa Jo Rudy

Many people with autism have sensory processing disorder. That is, they may be hyper-sensitive or under-sensitive to light, noise, and touch. For some people, these differences can be overwhelming, and as a result they are unable to take part in typical community activities. Ball games, movies, even church can feel like torture.

Parents Communication with Your Childs Teachers and Therapists is Vital, Informational Packet to Assist with this Process.

Establishing a communication protocol between family members, educators and therapists into the beginning of the child’s school year and thought-out his or her education is vital.
Immediate communication will assist in bridging the gap between the parents at home and teachers in the classroom.
Implementing this communication system will help to avoid any panic or crisis situations, it will help take the guess work out of getting to know the child through trail and error.

Teacher and Parent Considerations for a Successful Inclusionary Environment

Teacher and Parent Considerations for a Successful Inclusionary Environment

Angelina Strum, M.Ed., M.A., NBCT


• Are visuals used to communicate expectations
• Is there a consistent schedule and how is it communicated (pictures, written, verbal, etc.)
• How are changes in the schedule communicated to the student?
• How are assignments given? Throughout the day or at the end of the day?

Teacher and Parent Considerations for a Successful Inclusionary Environment

Teacher and Parent Considerations for a Successful Inclusionary Environment

Angelina Strum, M.Ed., M.A., NBCT


• Are visuals used to communicate expectations
• Is there a consistent schedule and how is it communicated (pictures, written, verbal, etc.)
• How are changes in the schedule communicated to the student?
• How are assignments given? Throughout the day or at the end of the day?

The Conflict With Autism Today

I think this is the conflict or misunderstanding, we are having with autism today. Maybe, we should not use the word autism to describe what is happening to some of the children today. It should be called "vaccine injured" that mimics severe autism symptoms. People with real autism are Bill Gates,Temple Grandin, Alan Turing and the Rain Man. A little quirky but basically geniuses. That is why I'm in vaccine court, created by the government for people that were injured by vaccines.