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Getting home from Disney and after thoughts

We made it home despite some major unexpected circumstances (we missed our plane and had to spend an extra 5 hours in the airport). The kids did really well, I was proud of their good attitutes. A few people moved away from Kyle after awhile, but it wasn't his fault - it was them. He was a little stimmy watching the planes and the tram that goes back and forth between terminals. And he chatters in the unintelligible sing songy voice.

Our basic humanity and the Travolta family

While I believe that people are basically good, I have come to realize that there are those who will take no prisoners while furthering their own agenda. One might say that "the benefit to others" far outweighs the destruction left in their wake. However, I would say that lining-up the suffering before a firing squad reflects a basic lack of compasssion.


Dear AutismOne Community -

I would like to take a moment and address the Travolta brouhaha caused by the Waters' recent blogs and several other issues as well.

ABC News picked up the blog and used it to further their own financial interests and sow dissension in our community. Their intent was to draw on the Travolta’s star power to drive ratings - nevermind if the entire report was something only the tabloids would have published 10 years ago. Today, truth, virtue, and serving the greater common good are relics of a bygone era.

Event in Syracuse NY

For our friends in the Syracuse NY area, Dorinne Davis, host of "Sound Effects with Dorinne Davis, Discussing how Sound Affects the Person with Autism" on autismone radio the second Thursday of each month at 12:30 PM, will be presenting "Sound Therapy/Changing Lives" at The Craftsman Inn in Fayetteville, NY at 7 PM on October 1, 2009. Please come and find out how sound-based therapy can make a major change for anyone with autism, for learning, development and wellness overall respoonses. If you want more information, look at our website or contact Ms.

Autism One does not endorse the Waters blog comment posted by ABC

Autism One does not endorse the comment ABC News posted attributed to "the author of the Robert and Sandy Waters blog." The comment in no way should be taken to represent the opinions or stance of the management or majority of families connected with Autism One. The management of Autism One wishes to express deepest sympathies to the Travolta family.

Our last Disney Day!

Today was day 5 of our 5-Day Disney Park Hopper tickets in Orlando.
We started off at the Magic Kingdom. We got a late start - Ella couldn't seem to wake up and then it took her forever to get ready - she's only 6! Still not too bad. The park was a lot less crowded today on a Tuesday than it was on a Thursday when we first went.

Autism, My Son's Grade School Experience

Jordan’s grade school experience was absolutely fantastic. His conversation was limited to three word sentences. Talking to his peers was difficult. Jordan’s teachers, therapists and I worked together as a team guiding Jordan with expanding his Individual Educational Goals, continually pushing him to greater heights. We found out that placing Jordan in environments where he could be around other children was a wise choice.


I have entered a "Best Tattoo of Alamance County". I had mine done in honor of my son. It is my profile picture on here. Please help me by clicking on the link and voting. Tell everyone you know to vote also. I don't get anything out of it but a chance for people to see and take notice. Anything to get the word out! Thanks Sonny

The Times News is having a contest for the best tat in Alamance County. Please vote for mine! It's a tat I had done for my son. He is Autistic and I AM SO PROUD OF HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Frequently Missing Puzzle Piece - 'The Master Catalyst'

Those of us intertwined into the world of Autism understand that solutions are not as easy as '1+2 = 3' - the puzzle is one of the most in depth, complicated, and confusing puzzles that exist.

autism/aspergers resources

Autism and Aspergers In The Family
INTERVENTIONS PECS ,Facilitated Communication,cognative therapy
speech and language terms Action Songs for getting interactionPrintable PECS (if you need specific pictures please ask I will make them and post them for downloading)
Facilitated Communication,cognative therapy
speech and language , Action Songs for getting interaction and communication.
DAN, BIOMED, GFCF diet,allegies etc