AutismOne & Autism Canada Present "CHANGING THE COURSE OF AUTISM IN CANADA 2009" University of Toronto

Main Conference: Saturday, October 31 - Sunday, November 1. Practitioner Training: Friday, October 30

The Day I Became President by Mark Macluskie

The Day I Became President
By Mark Macluskie

Antibiotics Take Toll on Beneficial Microbes in Gut

It is common knowledge that a protective navy of bacteria normally floats in our intestinal tracts. Antibiotics at least temporarily disturb the normal balance. But it's unclear which antibiotics are the most disruptive, and if the full array of "good bacteria" return promptly or remain altered for some time.

The Diary of a Pacific Coast Bike Ride

In late September Steven Janak, one of our members and our videographer, made a bike trip from San Francisco to Los Angeles. His intent was to gain experience for his planned AutismOne promotional West coast to East coast ride next year.  This is a wonderfully descriptive diary of his ride. Read and enjoy. When finished you can click the video link at the end of this article to view part of his adventure. 

Walt Disney an American Icon

The old saying "American as apple pie" certainly applies to Walt Disney, one of the great American icons. It's difficult to imagine anyone who has not been touched by some of his great works. Recently the Wall Street Journal published an article about him and his life. It's great reading. Here's an introductory paragraph from the article.

Sauna Detox using Far-Infrared Therapy, by Bob Morgan

There are many valuable therapeutic affects from using saunas.
They can be categorized as:


Playtime with Zeebu: Learning Resources for Children on the Spectrum

The mission of Zeebu is to provide interactive teaching tools for children with developmental delays. Our products are designed to engage children with their parent or educator, motivating them to think, communicate, and connect.

Medical Video Conferencing. Implications for Autism Diagnosis?

Medical video conferencing is becoming a powerful tool for bringing expertise to the patient rather than the reverse. Numerous projects are under way for its implementation. It appears that this is a technology with potential for providing much needed expertise in evaluating children who exhibit symptoms of autism.

A Road to Recovery

Note: I wrote this as a contest piece two years ago to an audience unfamiliar with autism.

One day my life changed. No one died. I didn't have a new baby. There wasn't a terrorist attack. My son was diagnosed with autism. It was absolutely devastating.
The first time I cried was in the parking lot of the psychologist's office. I cried when I told my mother who was at home watching our baby daughter. And again when I told my husband when he came home from work. And again when I told our pastor Sunday morning. I probably cried every time I said autism for a month.

Autism Night Before Christmas

by Cindy Waeltermann

Twas the Night Before Christmas
And all through the house
The creatures were stirring
Yes, even the mouse

We tried melatonin
And gave a hot bath
But the holiday jitters
They always distract

The children were finally
All nestled in bed
When nightmares of terror
Ran through my OWN head

Did I get the right gift
The right color
And style
Would there be a tantrum
Or even, maybe, a smile?

Our relatives come
But they don't understand
The pleasure he gets
Just from flapping his hands.

"He needs discipline," they say
"Just a well-needed smack,