Of Teenagers and Whales

Yesterday evening, after my teenage granddaughter had finished her homework, we went at her request to a nearby mall. We drove, of course.

While she was hunting around for some new acquisition of the outlandish apparel teenagers relish these days, I sauntered idly around the shops. The stores are all chains common to malls across our country. She spent her time at two places I had never heard of, Rue 21 and Wet Seal, jam-packed with girls her age.

The Power of Magical Thinking

What about make believe for children, good or bad? Is there really a Tooth Fairy? Really?? If you're a four-year old, the answer is probably "yes." If you're a 24-year old hopefully the answer is "no."

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal explored the subject of how kids learn to distinguish between what is real and what is not real. The following paragraphs from this article provide you an insight to some fascinating research.

On Dying, Mothers, and Fighting for Your Ideas

by Jonathan Morrow

The doctor cleared his throat. “I’m sorry, but I have bad news.”

He paused, looking down at the floor. He looked back up at her. He started to say something and then stopped, looking back down at the floor.

That’s when Pat began to cry.

Military Families vs. United States of America, U.S. Department of Defense, TRICARE Management Activity, and Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates

It does not feel good to bring a lawsuit against the very country and government that you took an oath to serve and protect, and knowing that to uphold that oath might possibly come at the expense of your own life. On the flip side, our families who take the oath to serve and protect this great country expect our government, to provide the medical care and family supports that our families require to, uphold our oath to serve and protect our great nation.

Living close to freeways increases autism risk, study finds

As reported in the Los Angeles Times, Children born to mothers who live close to freeways have twice the risk of autism, researchers reported Thursday. The study, its authors say, adds to evidence suggesting that certain environmental exposures could play a role in causing the disorder in some children.

More research is needed, but the report suggests air pollution could be a factor. Read more about this by clicking here >>

Family improves health of ailing children with hyperbaric chamber

By the time Scott and Gerri Williams brought their two young children to see Dr. Zahangir Khaled at his Methodist Medical Group Pediatric Gastroenterology practice in 2007, their lives were unraveling rapidly.

Khaled was the fourth GI doctor the family had seen.

"Austin and Sydney had been typical, non-complicated pregnancies. But when Austin was 1 year old, he started regressing," said Gerri Williams.

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Treatment for ASDs


 Dear Families,

AutismOne is a fantastic opportunity to systematically gather data that will help crystallize what has already been done and which future directions should still be explored. For information on the conference presentation and to watch the video click here >>

Below is a list of three areas that we think will be most fruitful to begin gathering data.  Please join us in this effort.

Blog Recaps of the 2013 Conference