Heckenlively Radio - Saving the World in Style

Heckenlively Radio is a show dedicated to the curious minds of the world.  You will be enlightened, entertained, hopefully have a few laughs, and realize that there are some truly courageous people in the world.  Consider this program as some terrible genetic chimera of Robin Williams, Nelson Mandela, and Carl Sagan.


 Pay your sponsorship installment payment here. Simply put the amount of your payment into the "amount" box, and fill out your information so we know who the payment is for. 


New Autism Social Network to Launch at Chicago Conference

Welcome to the New AutismOne.org Social Network!

Since our founding in 2002 AutismOne has become one of the leading organizations dedicated to supporting the Autism community. Unlike any other single Autism organization we have created an effective group of initiatives focused on Autism Education and Support. These include the Autism One Conference, Autism One Radio, Autism One Outreach and Autism in Action. With the aid of our network of volunteers we have been successful in educating more than 100,000 families each year about prevention, recovery, safety, and change.

Autism Briefing Goes Over Big

Today was another important step in additional attention for autism. Our friends at Age of Autism reported on the meeting and delivered us with a recording. As noted in the article written by By Dan Olmsted "...Mark Blaxill and David Kirby address the autism epidemic and its environmental roots Friday -- and one of the attendees was a member of the House who suggested their remarks may soon get even more attention."

This is great news for the autism community.

Participate in this community

Get Involved and Interact! The AutismOne.org social network is here, the tools are in place, people are signing up and now its time to get involved and start interacting.


I would like to ask every person to do at least one thing to get the community interacting. Please do at least one of the following once you have filled out your profile and added a picture.

Health-care Reform Decisions Driven by Dollars. Let us know your opinion!

The world of politics is often a muddied and mysterious playing field that is further complicated by favoritism, donations, lobbying and many other political driving forces. Tipping the scales in favor of any cause, reform, legal issue or new laws is most often accomplished through money, plan and simple.


New Jersey Bill Requires Autism Treatment Insurance Coverage

 Here at AutismOne we hear a constant stream of stories of families facing financial disaster due to high cost of caring for an autistic child. A primary culprit pertains to insurance. In many cases health insurance simply is not available that covers autism or else the premiums are so high as to be prohibitive. Fortunately, individual states are stepping in with legislation requiring health insurers to pay for autism diagnosis and treatment.

Vaccine Case to the US Supreme Court

This is an open letter to my friends and colleagues of the autism community. I have always believed our best chance for justice regarding vaccines lay, both literally and figuratively, in the courts. Our day in court may be drawing near.

The H1N1 Flu and Proposed Vaccination Programs

We’ve all read about the potential pandemic outbreak of H1N1 flu. Then the next thing we read pertains to the crash-program development of an H1N1 vaccine and its world-wide use. The question that faces all parents is what to do: to vaccinate or not to vaccinate. Here at AutismOne a primary concern regarding vaccinations is safety. Are doses safe? Is any given combination of vaccines safe? What age factors must be considered in vaccine programs? Has each new vaccine pushed by authorities been thoroughly tested to be safe?

An Autism One Member’s Story. The Tragedy of Incorrect Diagnosis.

We now know that early diagnosis and intervention of an autistic child can result in significant improvement and even cure. Unfortunately, this fact is not widely disseminated by the standard news media. The result in many cases is a history of wrong assessments followed by poor advice resulting in a tragic existence for both the child and the parents. Here is the chronology of Julie (now an Autism One team member) and her son Gabe. We've gleaned and edited this from several interviews with this amazing Mom.