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A Program Note

It’s time once again for my monthly assault on the web-waves. June’s installment of Injecting Sense: The Radio Edition will come your way on Tuesday, June 28th, at 1:00 pm EDT, on Autism One Radio.

My guest will be Cynthia Cournoyer, author of What About Immunizations?: Exposing the Vaccine Philosophy. It’s a great read, discussing how vaccine interests have misframed the debate. I think you'll find Tuesday's conversation most interesting.

Dad's Night Out (Mom's please read)

On Friday May 27th a group of Dad’s at the Autism One Conference got together for the first ever Dad’s Night Out.
The event was at Lucky Strike Lanes, where the Dad’s bowled, ate, relaxed and “talked” with other Dad’s. Yes, thats correct Mom’s and Dad’s reading this…they encouraged and inspired each other to help their children and families. It was exactly what we wanted to happen!

How to Get From O'Hare Airport to the Westin Lombard for under $5 (if you don't mind walking)

If you have anything other than a small roll-aboard suitcase, I would not recommend this route. It would be better to take a shuttle. For those that are a little adventuresome and fearless, proceed!

This year's conference is quite a bit further from the airport than in previous years. The Westin does have a special deal with a shuttle company but it is still $27 each way and they do not have a complementary shuttle like the one in Rosemont.

A Rapturous Weekend

I must admit that there are times when too much work, too much of in your face evil, and too much of striving against it, lands me in a not so good place. I'm sure this is merely the result of not yet attaining to perfect faith, but such is the case. When depleted of positive life force, I find myself praying for a much needed boost often. This cycle of fight, recharge, fight, is something that I have grown accustomed to in my personal life, decades before I ever even heard of toxin induced Autism.

Mrs. Wessels Talks Autism

Mrs. Wessels Talks Autism
by Lin Wessels on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 5:28pm

8th Grade English "Cause and Effect" Project:

An interview with Mrs. Wessels, Sam's mom, by BT

What does autism mean to you?

He's Just a Boy ( Short Story)

He’s Just a Boy

On Mother's Day from Dr. Bradstreet's blog

A Mother’s Day Reminder about Autism
Dr Bradstreet | May 8, 2011

This may be painful for many of you to read, but we all somehow have to find the courage to wake up our societies to the great harm befalling our children. Over the years I have been caring for children with autism I have grown in respect for the power of the Mother. We in the US see nearly 2% of our boys and one in 250 girls with autism, and we observe similar perhaps even worse rates of autism in the UK, Europe, Asia and throughout the remainder of the World.

Investigators Find Vaccine-Autism Link

Investigators and Families of Vaccine-Injured Children to Unveil Report Detailing Clear Vaccine-Autism Link Based on Government’s Own Data

Watch the press conference live on UStream  on Tuesday, May 10th at EDT.

Gear Up: Hope on the Rise

Plainly, we have a lot with which to deal on a daily basis and there is no relief from the healthcare costs for autism. There is one good thing just around the corner. The AutismOne (AO) annual conference (May 25 – 29, 2011) will be held at the central hub of our great country, Lombard, IL, a western suburb of Chicago.

The Gluten & Allergen Free Expo is next weekend - come join us and Autism One

If you are looking to learn how to cook on a restricted diet or wanting to sample products - come by the Gluten & Allergen Free Expo. Everything is gluten free. Most things are gfcf and many are allergen-free.

The event is at the Wyndham Hotel in Lisle, IL. Go to for all the details.

Many of the top gfcf bloggers will be in attendance. And Autism One has a table!

Hope to see you soon. Jen