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Free Webinar on Preventing Bullying of Students with Autism

A few years ago, I interviewed many adults on the spectrum for my book Autism Life Skills about what were the important areas that concerned them the most while growing up. High on the list was safety. Many of them described feeling terrified during their student years. Practically all recounted instances of being bullied. A recent report from the Massachusetts Advocates for Children (Ability Path, 2011) shows that bullying is still a concern for most students: nearly 88% of individuals with ASD are bullied in school.

New Evidence Refutes Fraud Findings in Dr. Wakefield Case

 By Dr. Mercola

In February 1998, the Lancet published Dr. Andrew Wakefield's case series of a group of autistic children with gastric problems, which has become one of the most controversial studies in medicine because part of the patients' story included regression after receivingthe MMR vaccine.

New Special Needs Acting Classes in Atlanta

The Green Room is excited to offer, in connection with Actors For Autism, Special Needs Acting Classes in Atlanta GA!!!!!

These classes focus on enhancing social communication, understanding and confidence through games, discussion, role play, video clips and other techniques. Participation in these classes may be helpful for children whose peer relationships are hampered by issues related to AD/HD, Asperger's syndrome, autism spectrum disorder, pervasive developmental disorder (PDD), learning problems, language delays, and auditory processing disorders.

AutismOne SoCal at Health Freedom Expo: The Exciting New Autism Event of Southern California

AutismOne SoCal at Health Freedom Expo: The Exciting New Autism Event of Southern California

Guidelines for creating Hort Therapy Gardens for Children with Autism.

This is a Masters Thesis I came across on guidelines for building a hort-therapy garden. I thought it might be useful to someone sometime within this group.

You will have to let go of the "people first" infractions to read but at least some information is getting out there.

If one is interested I suggest downloading the file. Like .gov site, you never know when university bureaucracies will change or eliminate files.

AUTISM ONE AND HEALTH FREEDOM EXPO JOIN HANDS: Thousands to Hear the Truth about Autism and Chronic Disease

Tel: (714) 680-0792 January 18, 2012

Thousands to Hear the Truth about Autism and Chronic Disease

LOS ANGELES, CA : In a defining moment in the history of American health, the Health Freedom Expo and AutismOne joined forces today and announced that they are working together to present, protect, and preserve the best health choices for the American public.

Fungal Biofilms in your Plumbing?

That could be the case. At least for a species of fungus called Fusarium.

Reseachers at Penn State have published recent findings of Fusarium infecting the drains in biofilms of plumbing.

A study examining the prevalence of the fungus Fusarium in bathroom sink drains suggests that plumbing systems may be a common source of human infections.

It’s a New Year: Dr. Wakefield is Fighting Back

It’s a New Year: Dr. Wakefield is Fighting Back

Community Rallies to his Aid

Files Suit against British Medical Journal, Fiona Godlee, Brian Deer


CHapter One tools of the mind/RDI

How...and Why- The Importance of Resilience
A look at some of Chapter one in “Tools of the mind”

A sentence on Page 5 of Tools of the mind reads “Young children are able to think, attend, and remember. The problem is that their thinking, attention and memory are very reactive.”

The War on Science – The British Medical Journal& Dr. Wakefield

 The War on Science – The British Medical Journal& Dr. Wakefield