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Autism News and Views

The Greatest Sins

The greatest sin Wired Magazine committed in publishing a hit piece about AutismOne was not against us, but against all the young women who work there.

A workplace comes with its own implicit codes of conduct, belief systems, and dogma. They are the unwritten rules we learned about on playgrounds in grade school.

Never talked about, they became part of how we self-corrected our own thoughts and behaviors from kindergarten through high school to stay within one standard deviation of acceptable.

Anderson Cooper CNN; Tests reveals high chemical levels in kids' bodies.

Story Highlights..... This story aired quite a while ago, however it has never left my mind..
So-called "body burden" testing reveals industrial chemicals in humans
Many of these chemicals harm rats, but studies on humans are preliminary
One scientist warns modern-day humans are living an "unnatural experiment"
By Jordana Miller

NEW YORK (CNN) -- Michelle Hammond and Jeremiah Holland were intrigued when a friend at the Oakland Tribune asked them and their two young children to take part in a cutting-edge study to measure the industrial chemicals in their bodies.

Are you a reference point?

One thing my life has taught me, being the father of two spectrum kiddo’s, is I am a reference point for all things, good and bad, to my children.

When my life gets frustrating, and I show anger, so do my children.
When I am in good spirits, being happy and boisterous, so are my children.
When I come home from a busy day and ignore my kids, they ignore me.
When I sit down with my kids and want to play a game and they protest, I must remember to ignore the outburst and keep working toward the behavior I want them to emulate. They reference my positive energy and begin to follow along.

A Dispatch From The Autism Wars: You Don't Have To Be Wrong For Me To Be Right

Recently I read a blog post on Wellsphere entitled, "I am not an Autism Mom". Michelle, the article's author, takes issue with parents referring to themselves as Autism Moms. This, she says, takes the focus off the person with Autism and puts it on the mother. Unless the mother has Autism herself it becomes a title: " Autism Mom. Two words put together to create a phrase, a title – and that’s what it is - that I really don’t like." I can't help to feel the sting of judgement - I mean, have you seen the title of my blog?

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Raising a Child on the Spectrum: ...

AO/GR 2012 Conference: Ken Siri, MBA.

Presentation     Bio/Abstract

Biofilms, Bugs, and Bowels: ...

AO/GR 2012 Conference. John H. Hicks, MD.

Abstract/Bio     Website

The First Dads of Autism: Life ...

AO/GR 2012 Conference. Mark Blaxill, MBA. 

Bio/Abstract      Website

Startup company succeeds at hiring ...

Startup company Aspiritech was created out of a mother's passion to create jobs for her son that more closely matched his unique talents and abilities.


Weekend Autism Global News in Review - 08/21/10

Rob Sidell hosts a show reviewing articles about Integrative Body-Mind Training Meditation (IBMT) and how training using this technique can strengthen the brain connections involving the anterior cingulate, evidence that fasting while pregnant may affect the child, new research suggesting a connection between heavy metals, mercury and autism and exciting evidence the the use of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) may dramaticly improve visual memory by inhibiting the left anterior temporal lobe.

Weekly Global Autism News in Review - 08-18-2010

Rob and Deb Sidell produce an interesting show revbiewing articles about MRI scans combined with Support Vector Machine analysis can be very (90%) effective in diagnosing ASD, fish oil (EPA,DHA) may be helpful in avoiding depression especially in boys, vaccine sales climb to $22.1 billion and are expected to double from 2008 levels by 2015, the potential health risks of Bisphenol A and where we might be exposed and the roll of the thalamus in helping us to sleep unperturbed.