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Autism News and Views

Relationship development with Tools of the mind

I am excited to write this blog ( starting a series to help with strategies for the schoolroom) for so many reasons! By the end of this series I may have covered them all, but we will start off with the foundations for why I think this topic is incredibly important for the ASD community.

RIP to hero Dr. Bernadine Healy, who passes away at age 67.

We join many in the community who grieve the passing of the courageous Dr. Bernadine Healy, the first female director of the NIH and a person of great integrity.

Please see also the commentary and video at Age of Autism:

Mrs. Wessels Talks Autism

Mrs. Wessels Talks Autism
by Lin Wessels on Saturday, May 7, 2011 at 5:28pm

8th Grade English "Cause and Effect" Project:

An interview with Mrs. Wessels, Sam's mom, by BT

What does autism mean to you?

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Dr. Andrew Wakefield defends himself ...

We Are Not Alone by Alice Shabecoff

With each generation since the mid-1940s, the rates of autism climb higher and higher.

Retracted autism study an ...

(CNN) -- A now-retracted British study that linked autism to childhood vaccines was an "elaborate fraud" that has done long-lasting damage to public health, a leading medical publication reported Wednesday....

The Health Dangers of Genetically ...

recorded at

Foods like soy and corn and other common every day foods are being "optimized" for mass production.


Weekend AutismOne 30 Minute Global News in Review - 02/12/11

Michael, Debra and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show that reviews articles about how the symptoms of ADHD can be helped with a restrictive diet, fish are showing signs of behavioral changes as a result of antidepressants in the effluent being discharged by city sewer treatment facilities, what it might mean to be broadly characterized as an "antivaccinationist", why flu vaccines may actually not be the best way to develope immunity from the flu, the big drop off in health services for ASD kids as they leave high school and how the use of self control as a kid can be predictive of many fa

Weekly AutismOne 30 Minute Global News in Review - 02/09/2011

Michael, Debra and Rob Sidell introduce and produce an informative show by reviewing articles about the lqack of science in most of what is called "scientifically proven", bacteria in the gut can influence the development of the brain, how the "patch" will replace the jab in the administration of vaccines, mitochondrial dysfunction may affect more than a third of children with ASD, the difficiencies in genetic testing and the value of placebo treatments is very understated and underestimated.