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2010 Conference DVD List ready

The 2010 Conference DVD's are in the store and ready for sale. DVD's will be ready to ship starting the week of June 14th!

Click here >> to check find the DVD that will help you and your family!


NuLife Foods on VoiceAmerica, Tuesday, June 8

Tuesday, June 8
12 noon ET
On the VoiceAmerica Health and Wellness Channel

NuLife Foods - They taste as good as they look!

Respite Idea for Service Clubs

I have a growing concern about the families who are dealing with Autism. There are many families on and off the grid that can not afford any respite time at all for the Parents & Caregivers. I am asking that every Service & Religious Organization sponsor one couple every month for a Movie & Meal for Rest & Relaxation. ( Hash Tag on twitter #MM4RR ) The continuing drain of resources tend to leave the parents & Caregivers in last place. Many have never been out as a couple in years. This one simple act of compassion will let them know we are aware, Care, support, & give needed respite.

The Conference and the Rally

I just posted something on my other blog, Injecting Sense, about last week's American Rally for Personal Rights. Along with being an excuse to post some photos from the event, it gave me a chance to rebut some of the misinformation being spread on the web about something I am very proud of. Rather than repost it in its entirety here, I would simply refer you here.

Post-Conference Thoughts: Building Blocks of Success

On May 31 at 3:30pm CST, I collected the last of the AutismOne video recordings. A long week had come to a close. Browsing through my hard-drive I realized what a great opportunity the conference presents to parents. In just 6 days, my crew produced well over 100 recordings. Each recording represents an opportunity for parents to sift through a sea of information and hopefully uncover a pearl that will help their children.

Daniel & Matthew Held Hands and An Invite to a Party in London with TreeHouse Charity for Autism Education

Well the weather down here in the South East was absolutely gorgeous today so we decided to go out for the day as my husband has this week off from work as annual leave. We thought it would be nice to take the boys out for the day so they can have a play in the sun and it gets us all out of the house for some fresh air and exercise. So we packed a load of Daniel’s special drinks and some food for Matty and some sun block lotion for the boys and off we went. It was lovely and warm out. The boys had great fun. They are always so well behaved. No matter where we take them.

The Biomedical Intervention Approach is Working Really Well.

Firstly I would like to begin this post by saying, Gosh, where has the time gone over the last fortnight? I am so lax in my delivery of my next BLOG entry! I knew it had been a few days, but not this many! So I do apologise. But lots of exciting things have been happening. The most exciting things really are to do with some more wonderful developments in the world of Daniel. Firstly, it has to do with his chronic constipation. Bless him. I had to take him to the doctors as it was so bad. He has had constipation all of his little life. Nothing seems to work.

Dr. Wakefield reveals the inside story of the vaccine-autism connection in his book “CALLOUS DISREGARD.”

Speaking from experience, Dr. Wakefield's discovery, gave me hope and the proof that the digestive distress Mickie suffered for so many years and to this day was not normal and that he wasn't just another crazy person, as he was treated by so many doctors, who just kept dismissing his symptoms. The mainstream medical community has set out to destroy Dr. Wakefield for defying the establishment and we are here to support him. It's the least we can do for what he did for our children. Please buy his book-I bought my copy yesterday!!
For the first time:

What goes up, Must come down or Does it? Autism Advocacy

We just finished an amazing week of Unity within the Autism Community. Organizations from around the world were united in a quest for finding answers, standing up for our freedoms, sharing ideas, growing in spirit, remembering loved ones, looking to a bright future of Hope. The AutismOne Conference this year will go down in history because of the noise we made. The Tree fell in the forest and nobody in the media wanted to listen... But I am telling you Noise was made.
