Angie Skillern

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Some of you will undoubtedly have heard of Floortime Therapy as a treatment for autism.
Hello Fellow Bloggers! Can't wait for this to explode! We are waiting in eager anticipation of all the information, tips, stories, and testimonials that are forthcoming!
Member Since May 14, 2009

About Me

Angie & Chris Skillern
Hollister, MO.
About Me
Relationship Status: 
Here For: 
Hollister, MO
Proud parents of 3: Blane, 17; Skyla 14; Conner 7
Music, Psychology, Sociology
A Little About Me: 

We are proud parents of three children. Our youngest is battling and BEATING autism!

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

We have a son recovering from an autism spectrum diagnosis. We only hope that we have some information that might help others with similar challenges. We also would like to hear what others are trying and experiencing in this virtual community.

What I am Here For: 
See above.
Autism Help / Accomplishments: 

We have seen significant improvements in our son's communication, awareness, language, creative thought, social skills, and self-control through the employment of various therapies and biomedical interventions. In particular, methyl-B12 shots(initially), GFCF diet, Floortime therapy, and prayer were helpful.

My Daily Motivations: 

Conner's desire to play with other kids:) It inspires us to help him build the tools he needs to keep a relationship or even a conversation going. It hasn't been much of an issue while he has been little, but as he gets older, and children get more discerning, we want him to have a shot at having friends. Our parents are a great source of support and drive.

Complete and total recovery to the point that Conner can choose his own goals.