diane Hunter's tweets

I love connecting with my emotions. They're my long lost friends I've pushed away and now I welcome them home. — 14 years 25 weeks ago
I supported National Autism Association... by voting for them to win $1m with #chasegiving. Please vote, and RT! http://bit.ly/45EqwE14 years 25 weeks ago
My mind is not a fit vehicle for this journey. My thoughts can just get in the way. My heart and body know the true path. — 14 years 26 weeks ago
As a newby I'd like to understand more of what he's saying. :) @lauriefoley these 5 twitter trends are fascinating: http://bit.ly/2pw23Z14 years 26 weeks ago
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain. — 14 years 26 weeks ago
@yolandafacio Just read your RT and cracked me up! — 14 years 26 weeks ago
Be the captain of your own ship. Only you know the right path for you and your body will lead the way. Do you hear the messages? — 14 years 26 weeks ago
Pain is not the enemy, it is the messenger. — 14 years 26 weeks ago
@jenlouden check out nconnects.com and maestroconference.com for hands up. — 14 years 27 weeks ago
3 essentials to motivate: autonomy, mastery & purpose. Great review of Daniel Pink's book, Drive RT @lauriefoley http://bit.ly/80Fz8s14 years 27 weeks ago