Nutritional Thoughts for the Fall Season

The relevance of food and nutrients on the psycho-neuroendocrine-immune balance of the body.

Why we stress and how to stop it

This first show is packed with tips and techniques to take the crazy out of our lives. The hosts present a plethora of ideas combined with a newlens through which to see challenging events . Raun and Kristin also explain the format of the show, argue about which gender handles stress better, create inventions to make the genders get along better, and celebrate our kids. Kristin gives 4 daily super-simple stress-reducing tasks, and Raun makes a plea to “stop writing off this generation of kids.”

Dayhab: Good, bad, and ugly

What is the difference between dayhab, volunteer work, sheltered workshops, and competitive employment? Can dayhab a doorway to something beyond? Drs. Burns and Holmes discuss the issues.

Prioritizing You

This show focuses on ways to prioritize yourself – something absolutely crucial for parents of children on the spectrum. Raun and Kristin also argue about who’s the boss at home, invent ways to make commuting easier, and celebrate our kids. Kristin gives some life-lengthening tips, and Raun soundsoff about parental autism treatment choice (or lack thereof).

Pick It Up Dad!

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about a study showing the brain's dramatic changes over a lifetime, a vaccine for C.diff, MD's and Therapists Now Push for Dads to Get Involved, the coincidental introduction of the Haemophilus Influenzae tybe b (Hib) vaccine and dramatic rise in ASD diagnosis, antibiotics permanent destruction of good bacteria and how the brains of those with ASD may develope more slowly than healthy brains.

Spittin' Image

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about how the strength of synapse connections in the brain influence social status, the striking changes that the brain can go through in the teenage years, How Spit Can Help in the Doctor's Diagnostic Process, TV and a toddler's brain, Autism Employment Tips and a cute and fluffy toy for kids with ASD.

Choices for Adult Learning

Dan Burns talks to TERI executive Krysti DeZonia about her pilot program, Choices for Adult Learning (CAL). Krysti describes her new micro enterprise program and relationship development as part of the work experience.

Should We All Be Dope-s???

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a great show reviewing articles about how practicing mind control helps those with Parkinson's, How Brain Doping and Its Attending Cognative Enhancement is Becoming the Expected Norm, BPA from cans is 1000.00% more than previously thought, should boys be forced/given HPV vaccine and secret toxic chemicals in many household products.

Free Stem Cells - Just Latch On!

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a great show reviewing articles about new CDC tests to reduce antibiotic use/misuse, research into the "hygiene hypothesis in Western lifestyles and how they effect health, Embryonic - like Stem Cells Discovered in Women's Breast Milk in Large Numbers, pre-natal flavor learning and the necessity of irrationality in everyday decision making.

Legal Status of Homeopathy and the Health Freedom Movement

In this show, I address the legal status of homeopathy in the United States (which varies from state to state) and the importance of supporting the health freedom movement worldwide. Without free access to the medicine and practitioners of our choice, autism families don't stand a chance. Get involved with your local health freedom movement today! (This show first aired on May 16, 2008)