Autism Recovery IS Possible!

"Letting Food Be Our Medicine"...We continue to share simple dietary foods our daughter benefits from and is enjoying on her journey of recovery from autism.

Sue for a ''Wrongful Life''????

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about television's affect on a toddler's brain and skills, how even a mild traumatic brain injury can double the risk of dementia and Alzheimer's, Children With Birth Defects and Their Parents are Suing Doctors for "Wrongful Birth", how some viruses use gut bacteria to shield themselves from the body's immune system (Stealth), how girls pre-natal exposure to BPA may increase behavioral problems.

Get Rid of the Blues!

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about new discoveries about the colon and the small intestine, How to Improve Sleep Just By Getting Rid of the Devices Emitting Blue Light in Your Pre-Sleep Environment, a new way to administer injectables and new research offers great hope to those with personality disorders.

ASD = Human Evolution

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about birth complications that can raise the risk of ASD, why girls with ASD (particularly Asperger's) are not diagnosed, the Autistic Advantage and How the Acceptance of Different Minds Has Lifted Us as a Species, how air pollution from traffic is impairing our minds and a breakthrough in lung repair.

Hypothyroidism = ASD, Beat One, Beat 'em All

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about ADD/ADHD connection to food dyes, more goodies about microbes, the Direct Connection Between Thyroid Malfunction and the Symptoms of Autism, reducing Alzheimer's symptoms with red light and green tea and the immune magic of platelets.

The Mystery of Homeopathy -- the Doctrine of Signatures

In this show, I discuss one of the most amazing, mysterious, and interesting aspects of homeopathy -- how the pattern of symptoms that a remedy can cause and cure very often symbolizes or manifests the properties of the substance from which it is made. This phenomenon is called the Doctrine of Signatures. (This show was first aired on March 21, 2008)

Interview with B. Weitzberg

Ms. Brenda Weitzberg describes to Dr. Holmes how she and her husband started an employment center for her 32 year old son. She explains with great enthusiasm what they do at Aspiritech in Chicago, Ill. and how their model is gaining traction for others to replicate.

Diagnosis? Which Diagnosis??

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about the huge educational upside available with a little understanding, the Huge Disparity of Diagnosis Between Professionals Trained to Tell the Difference Between Autism, Aspergers and PDD-NOS, epigenetic signatures in ASD brain tissue, a Dutch psychologist accused of fraud on an astonishing scale and a new book about ASD and computer technology.

We Struck Oil! Olive Olive That is!

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about Autism being linked to unique lung structure, viruses and gut biome show dynamic responses to changes in diet, Olive Oil Injections Help Detoxify - Improving Septicaemia, Rheumatism and Absorbing Toxins from Pneumonia and Erysipelas, a study supporting the pre-natal origins of ASD, a fresh look a Wakefield and the MMR "fraud" and an article detailing how young MDs are more apt to question the use of vaccines and the "schedule".

Dr. Holmes interviewed by Dr. Dan Burns

Dr. Holmes is being interviewed by Dr. Dan Burns regarding implications for Dayhab Services; Person Centered Planning; and, the impact of such matters on the quality of life for many persons on the Autism Spectrum.