An interview with Florida homeopath Miranda Castro, FSHom, CCH

An interview with Florida homeopath Miranda Castro, FSHom, CCH who is the author of many leading introductory books on homeopathy, including The Complete Homeopathy Handbook and Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth, and Your Baby's First Year. (Note: This show first aired February 15, 2008).

TMS - Auties Get It!

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show that reviews articles about the common roots of antibiotic resistance, older father do not corelate to lower grades, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Improves Empathy and Social Skills, whooping cough vaccine needs a boost, how the use of pronouns tells your audience who you are and the safty of aluminum vaccine adjuvants.

Propranolol - Not Just Another Hammer!

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about safe sleep treatment with melatonin, the complexity of finding the genetics of ASD, Propranolol may help with a number of ASD symptoms, routine screening for Autism - is it even possible and the clear benefit of early intensive therapy.

LL! Cronie Capitolism and more!

Bad math, worse math, Chicago's health care initiative and cronie capitalism!

Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today! with your host Dr. David L. Holmes

Dr. Holmes interviews Dr. James Ball, Chairman of the Autism Society of America and Mr. John Mize, Washington Lobbiest and they describe their efforts in supporting the Combating Autism Act recently passed by Congress and signed by Pres. Obama.

The De Industrialization of America, universal Flu Vaccines, more news!

What in the hell could the De industrialization of America have to do with the autism epidemic? We'll explain. The Universal flu vaccine, GMO news and more!

LL! This is WAR!

Jerry Brown (Gov of California) has declared war on the parents of this country! The fight has been going on for some time now, but the escalation now is the difference between the Granada conflict in the 80s to WWII......WARNING! If you're offended by strong language and violent rhetoric.....don't tune into today's program!!!!!

LL! Fascism and Gov. Brown

There is no doubt that fascism is alive and well within government. We shouldn't be "just" occupying Wall St. we should be occupying all of the state capital (and not with a bunch of hippified, socialists that will just bring fascism to the forefront quicker, but with real patriots that demand that government get the hell out of our lives!

You've Got Guts Kid!

Michael and Rob Sidell introduce and produce a show reviewing articles about the perils of fruit sugar, President re-qauthorizes and extends the Combating Autism Act, Belly Bacteria and the Gut/Brain Connection, neurotherapeutic computer games, non-toxic nanorockets and "Autism Hacking".

Global News in Review