Survey on treatment for children with autism with and without seizures

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Survey on treatment for children with autism with and without seizures Dear Autism Families: Over the past year ARI and AutismOne have held several complementary think tanks on seizures and seizures-like activity in autism. One of the conclusions of the think tanks was that there is little understanding of the treatments that help control seizures and seizure-like activity in children with autism. To help understand which treatments are effective for controlling seizures, seizure-like activity and subclinical epileptiform discharges in autism, Dr. Richard Frye, along with the think tank attendees, has developed a relatively easy-to-complete online seizure survey for parents with children with autism spectrum disorder with and without seizures to complete. It is important that we obtain information about individuals without seizures, so that we can determine whether treatments affect individuals with and without seizures differently. If your son/daughter (or you) suffers from autism spectrum disorder, regardless of whether you have clinical seizures, subclinical epileptiform discharges or seizure-like activity, we would like to ask you to fill out a survey created by Dr. Richard Frye with the help of Prof. James Adams. We think that this very detailed survey will provide a much richer understanding of the efficacy and possible side-effects of current treatments for seizures. Please help us by filling out the survey and by forwarding information about this survey to other autism groups. For individuals with seizures, subclinical epileptiform discharges or seizure-like activity, please use the following link: For individuals without seizures, subclinical epileptiform discharges or seizure-like activity, please use the following link: Thank you very much for helping us find answers to seizures in autism. Sincerely, Richard E. Frye, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.A.P. Assistant Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology University of Texas-Houston James B. Adams, Ph.D. Professor, Arizona State University Science Coordinator, Autism Research Institute/Defeat Autism Now!

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