Insurance mandate - Cassandra conundrum

For two years I have hoped for my state to pass the legislation that would give my son access to the services appropriate for his needs. I have been patient as I have given information to legislators two, three and even four times. I just don't understand how I live in a state that would rather spend money (estimates are at 2 million and up) to care for a person limited by autism instead of spending a much smaller amount (100-200 thousand) on appropriate early intervention. Gaining independence and becoming a tax payer is my goal for my son - instead my state would rather have him be the opposite - that is the message they are sending to me. Why should I take my son to our local school for programs designed to help him there - where he is only spending a maximum of six hours three times a week - when he needs help 24 hrs a day. I don't take him there for broken arms, stitches or even colds, so why am I taking him there for medical and therapeutic treatment for a complex neurological disorder. I wonder sometimes at the logic of the people in the position to make or even influence these decisions. It's not about anything but money to me. It just saves money. I don't even get into the aspects of providing for others or just plain doing what is right. I feel like I am the only one who lives on a budget and understands basic math.

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