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Success with Floortime

Some of you will undoubtedly have heard of Floortime Therapy as a treatment for autism. For those who have not, it is a child-centered approach that utilizes interactive play to develop social and emotional skills. I only mention it because it has helped our son Conner tremendously. It appealed to us initially because it was something we could learn to implement ourselves as parents. We are not wealthy people so 40 hours of ABA per week was out of the question.

Something For Sam

Hi there. I’m Lin Wessels, otherwise known as Sam’s mom. I am an autism activist of sorts, which is how I ended up here, on AutismOne, as a blogger. My profile picture reflects my attempts at political activism on behalf of our families with autism. The more I understand about politics, the more contacts I make on The Hill, the more meetings I attend with our representatives, the more I feel exactly as that picture depicts…..locked on the outside, trying to get in. Sometimes I do truly wonder why I even bother. But then, I remember the alternative, do nothing.

Vaccines Cause Autism!!!

Vaccines cause autism!!! The government created The No-Fault Federal "Vaccine Court" for people that were injured by vaccines. Yes INJURED!!! There would not be such a court if vaccines were totally safe!!! If a doctor tells you that vaccines are safe please ask them about the court. Most of them will not even know about "Vaccine Court". Check out this website and learn.

Is anyone else sick of autism???

I am so sick of autism I want to scream until my throat bleeds and cry until my eyes cannot cry any longer. I want to stop doing dishes, laundry and stop changing diapers on a 8 year old. I am so tired. I am tired of taking care of everyone and everything. I am tired of always being the optimistic one. I am tired of going without so you can have whatever you want. I am tired of NEVER having enough money. Tired of saying that it could be worse. I KNOW IT COULD BE WORSE BUT DAMMIT THIS IS BAD TOO!! Tired of putting on a happy face and taking deep breaths and continuing on.

Autism May Be Linked to Mom's Autoimmune Disease

My mother was just hospitalized for an autoimmune disease called ITP, I've had horrible stomach issues that started as a child continuing into adulthood, this week in fact I had an episode! Suddenly there is an awareness that I may have Celiac Disease! This is an interesting article please read it and see what you think!

Autism May Be Linked to Mom's Autoimmune Disease

Possible causes of disorder should now include celiac disease, study suggests

Being a Parent of a Child with Autism

There are so many virtues I’ve come to understand by being a parent of a child diagnosed with Autism.

Patience is HUGE, oh and I can’t forget kindness and definitely compassion. Then there’s love. When it came to love, I was clueless, I didn’t know how to love anything or anyone honestly until I gave birth. That’s when I learned what the meaning of love was really all about!

One of the most important virtues that pulled me though all the tough times was faith. I don’t know where I would be without it. I probably would have jumped off a cliff.

How to Set Up a Special Needs Trust

How to Set Up a Special Needs Trust

Setting up a special needs trust (SNT) requires knowledge, forethought and planning to avoid cutting off government benefits such as Medicaid and SSI to a disabled heir. If set up correctly, an SNT can be an invaluable benefit to your loved one when you're no longer around to provide care.

Difficulty: ModerateInstructions

"Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover"

I'm talking to Sophie B. Hawkins you know "Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover" & "As I Lay Me Down". She wants to be a guest on my show to increase autism awareness!!! How sweet is she??? I love her. Any questions anyone would like me to ask her???

Hey Illinois

Hey Illinois all state employees and legislators should take a 10% pay cut & cut their pensions. Don't be so greedy!!! United Airline workers had to make this sacrifice to keep their jobs. Don't steal money from the taxpayers or the disabled. Lets solve this problem now!!! Git-R-Done!!!!

Freedoms Taken for Granted.Voices lost. "My Name is...Autism"

The words echo in my brain every minute of everyday. Laying on the couch facing my sons room in the morning 7 years ago. It was a bright warm sunny day with sun streaming in from the large pane window facing East. My son bursts into the room running into my arms. Saying loudly, proudly, and with a smile. While looking me in the eyes, "My name is Tanner. My name is Tanner." That was the last sentence we heard after his vaccinations. He lost his dreams, ability to play, socialize, eat, and sense of world. The name tag now reads... "My Name is.... Autism"