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Candace's Law

I'm trying to get a law passed for children with autism to be able to stay in school on a voluntary basis till age 26 here in Illinois. As it is now they are let go at 21. If children with autism are allowed to stay in school till age 26 then they can be covered on their parents insurance. The autism organizations here in Illinois have told me that this law would ruin the great vocational programs we have in Illinois and will not help me?? Am I missing something here? I'm so confused by this??


Why don't schools have more relevant tests for our children's intelligence? How about the "Nonverbal's Unhealthful-Food Scavenging, Appropriation, & Investigation Diversion" (NUF-SAID) aptitude? While it makes life easier when the whole family is on the child's therapeutic diet, I must admit that I indulge in coffee with cream and chocolate cake. Whatever level my son has been tested at, he is capable of creating a military-style diversion that would make Generals George Patton and Douglas MacArthur look like rank amateurs.


Have you heard the news? If you have heard the news, did it make a difference? Did it make you stop and think? Were you afraid? Shocked? Or did the news only serve to confuse you even more? Push you even farther away?

I heard it, loud and clear! The very latest data now indicates that one in 91 children have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. As boys are affected approximately four times more than are girls, one in 58 boys has autism. I heard it, loud and clear!! But one of those boys is mine.

Ian's new backpack

Yesterday night I bought Ian a new backpack. This made me happy. I could visualize with joy the pleasure Ian would feel and the light in his eyes upon receiving his new backpack. He likes to receive new things, in general, and as an affirmation that he is positively regarded by others. I could envision with pleasure the kick Ian would get out of the pretty colors and all the pictures of Julius the Monkey as well as his pride at taking his new backpack to school on Monday.

The United Nations of Katie and Jamie

“… Human instincts are of two kinds: those that conserve and unify, which we call ‘erotic’ (in the meaning Plato gives to Eros in his Symposium”…’ and second, the instincts to destroy and kill, which we assimilate as the aggressive or destructive instincts. These are, as you perceive, the well-known opposites, Love and Hate, transformed into theoretical entities; they are, perhaps, another aspect of those eternal polarities, attraction and repulsion, which fall within your province…” So wrote Freud in a letter to Einstein in 1932 (Einstein on Peace).

"Forget Green No Vaccine"!!!

Obama Administration and mainstream media have been rather nonchalant about the startling news. 1-in-100 American children - and perhaps around 1-in-60 boys - have an autism spectrum disorder.
In my opinion the autism community is not taking a strong enough stance on this matter!! Here is what I think we as a community should do.

1-in-100 American children - and perhaps around 1-in-60 boys

Obama Administration and mainstream media have been rather nonchalant about the startling news. 1-in-100 American children - and perhaps around 1-in-60 boys - have an autism spectrum disorder. I have heard people ask do you believe this? The more important question is does anyone really care!?! If everyone cares so much where is the outrage, where is the anger!?! If 1 in 60 children were being murdered their parents would all be at the steps of the Capital and White House screaming and demanding that something be done immediately!!

A fateful encounter...

Every morning before rising, and every evening on getting into bed, shut your eyes and repeat several times this little phrase: “Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.” So wrote Dr. Emile Coué in his book entitled Self-mastery Through Conscious Auto-suggestion.

You may wonder why I would quote Dr. Coué. I will tell you that these words introduce the first chapter of a book that I came upon in a quite unusual way.

What about parents rights in West Virginia?

My husband and I have a beautiful son who is 16 years old and has autism. He is verbal, but does not understand interpersonal communication and is considered moderate to severe in the autism spectrum. In February 2009, his biological grandmother filed a petition for visitation and took us to court in May. We were shocked and confused as we hadn’t heard from her in over a year, so we obtained a lawyer . The grandmother wanted our son to stay with her in Portland Or., which is across the country, we live in WV. , for the whole summer without us.

little trey man

trey is 8 years old. the happest child.but he always gets away runs in peoples homes he has no fear. I get so scard that one he will so lost or get hit by a car. people say i can help. I just think he need a tracker so i will know were hes at at all times. HELP ME