Free Autistic 11 year old Accused Felon Zakhqurey Price
Ok let me get this straight, The principal and teacher at Beard Elementary school in Fort Smith School District, Arkansas are charging autistic 11 year old Zakhqurey Price with a felony for getting hurt while trying to restrain him!?! I'm sooo Pissed about this outrage!! What the heck is this with Restraining of autistic kidz!?! These kidz are sick they don't need to be tied down!! How can the police even charge a autistic child with a felony for defending themselves from being tied down by 2 adults?? All these "INCOMPETENT" people should be fired and charged with a felony!! What is this world coming too!?! Here's the CRAZY story below. This could happen to any one of our children. We should rally at this court hearing and show them that we are not gonna stand for this ANYMORE!! It's enough that they screwed up our kidz up with their poison vaccines, now they have to Tie 'Em Up like animals?
Supporting Individuals with ASD
I would urge others when supporting families in cases of this nature to consider all the information and also why things are being done the way the are.
I personally don't know all of the information in this case and I would urge those involved to not disclose the information in a public forum, especially if this case is still pending or if there will be future litigation.
The important things to note however are how systems have failed many individuals living with ASD and how the judicial system needs to realize that there must be an understanding of an individual's disability and the lack of appropraite supports that may have led to what actually transpired within this incident and those like these.
We as a community do need to focus on solutions, solutions that will address an individual's need set, not their specific disability. If this child has been within a setting for 2.5 years that was inappropriate....why did that occur and what trauma had been sustained there? Why weren't recipient right complaints filed and why was the family not appropriately supported to allow the child to be at home and receive the appropriate interventions to assist with behavioral challenges?
As a parent that has faced many situations where I've had to wonder why with the results...I have had to also realize we need to also look at what has been transpiring. In the last year at least three careproviders were killed by their loved ones with ASD. We as a community need to address why this is happening and why there are supports that continue to lack even after such horrific events.
We also have to realize if folks are being hurt in an educational setting...why is that happening? Again due to lack of appropriate supports.
But what is the answer...the solution...and what needs to be done to address the needs of those who many times with their behavior are trying to communicate something?
Additionally we need to address the needs of children with co-existing mental health disorders and ASD. It's out there, not saying this was the case for this child, but many children are being hospitalized or incarcerated, medicated and restrained, without appropriate discharge plans and without the realization that such "treatment' often causes more trauma.
I do think we need to address these situations. But do so with addressing all the civil rights and social justice violations that exist and do so with the appropriate folks. This case needs to be taken out of the arena of school administrators and looked at from the perspective of what the child will need to be appropriately supported to not allow for future instances of this nature to occur. That won't happen with inappropriate hospitalization.
Please also do this as has been previously suggested. We need to shed light on these instances, but also need to provide a path toward viable solutions with appropriate supports for families.
Visit the National Autism Association website's home page at where, with a few simple clicks, you can help take legislative action to stop these kinds of situations.
Autistic or not, they
Autistic or not, they shouldn't be man handling 11 year old kidz!!
Zakh-my rebuttal to vicious email campaign.
'm Zakh's Grandma. I am willing to send the proof of the FOUR documents stating he has Atypical Austism, PDD, PDD NOS, Austism. None of these are from the school district because they will not run the proper tests.
The last mental facility he was in Habberton House, also diagnosed him as PDD! He just left there 5-09.
Even with all this proof the district continues to deny his autism. They had their own SHILL of a neuro psychologist that was suppose to test him, but hardly did anything. He states his own tests are invalid because he couldn't get Zakh to cooperate. He also states that none of his prior mental hospitalizations did him any good.
THEN the clincher, he gave an educational recommendation that Zakh can NEVER be in a public school and should be sent BACK to Habberton House!
He was NOT in the Juvenile Court System, he was in DHS custody. He is now out of their custody.
He has been in the SCHOOL DISTRICT since 1st grade. (Except 2 1/2 yrs illegally placed in mental hospitals that are not licensed to treat Autism). His brothers and sisters have been in the school district as well. He was at Beard Elementary when taken from school by the DHS. All 6 kids were taken from school, no reason given. Even had police there but no official paperwork saying they could take the children. 4 of the 6 children are diagnosed with autism. After TWO HOURS the parents were called to come and get the kids...they'd been reported for 'suspicious bruising' but was determined to be NORMAL bruising. Because Zakh was falling apart (he was only 8yrs old) they SEPERATED him from his brothers and sisters causing a mental breakdown of this child! This child was also the one we were demanding services for from the school.
After 2 1/2 yrs, medicaid quit paying as they felt he was being institutionized wrongly and quit paying. No money...ok...he can go now.
The reason he has been at this school for 3 months is because he got out of Habberton House in May and school didn't start til 18 Aug. 2009. And for December they have him HOMEBOUND schooled for a whopping FOUR HOURS a week, even though he can hardly read, write etc at 11 yrs old.
We have a chart that shows the last 3 years he REGRESSED instead of learning.
I have nothing to hide.
I can not believe a popular LOCAL reporter would spread that slander without talking to me and finding out what was going on.
Whoever 'leaked' the info is viscious.
Darren Bobb from Channel 5 called me and acted oh so friendly, wanting to find out what was going on because they were inudated with calls from people outside of the city who had no right to call them.
He said that the Principal didn't file the felony, that it is something the Prosecuting attorney does. If this is true (I don't know yet), then the school encouraged the 'good ol boy' to file it.
The teacher and Principal chose to go to the designated 'quiet' area for him. They chose to restraint him when he tried to flee that area because they had it blocked. He went into fight or flight. He kicked the Principal ONE TIME and the teacher he pushed her out of the way. I have an interview I did with the teacher where she states "I fell into the bookcase"...not that she was pushed into it.
When Darren Bob called, he made no mention of his campaign against me. He DID tell me his wife is a special ed art teacher at Tilles Elementary in the district. Is that where he got his incorrect information from?
Zakh's grandma here
Hello everyone,
There is a VICIOUS email be sent to thousands by a prominent LOCAL TV REPORTER that is full of lies. He posted it before talking with me....and when he DID talk to me tonight he didn't mention his bulk email blitz against me!
Here it is:
Good ol boy is alive and well!
Please pass along to everyone!
Subject: Email from Darren Bob
Greetings.. I'm wondering how much you have looked into this. I have very
reliable sources that tell me this child has never been diagnosed with Autism.
The Grandmother who is taking care of the child wants a diagnosis, but can find
noone who will do that. In fact, the child HAS BEEN diagnosed as oppositional
defiant .. and that he has been in the juvenile court system for the past three
years because of his behavior. He's only been at this particular school for
three months. I understand there is going to be a court hearing on this
situation next week sometime ( still trying to track that down ) in which I'm
sure more > details will come out.>> That's it .. that's all I know .. hope you
can help me with more info..!!>>>> Daren Bobb> KFSM TV-5> Fort Smith, Ark.>
And my rebuttal I'd like you all to circulate is following
I cannot believe that this person could be considered a "professional". It makes me sick that someone would attack your family when you so desperately need help. Our prayers are with your family. I wish we could do more. I have an autistic 3 year old who has been discriminated against by medical "professionals". I fought hard to get her the care she needed. I have been advocating for autistic children's rights since my daughter was diagnosed. I am truly sorry that you are being mistreated by the school system and law enforcement. People really do need more training in Autism Awareness. There has to be protection for our children, to prevent them from being mistreated, there has to be a better way. The probability of our children being injured by adults is very high in a restraint situation, something else has to be done. I believe with all of my heart that ABA therapy should be provided to all Autistic children that need it and that insurance should cover it, because it is necessary to teach our kiddos joint attention, behavior therapy is so important. Everyone should know the difference between a "behavior problem" and an autistic child's meltdowns. Triggers should be avoided as much as possible. Again, we are praying for your family. I hope everything works out for you all. Your grandson sounds like a wonderful kiddo.
Please visit NAA website
Please visit the National Autism Association website's home page at where, with a few simple clicks, you can help take legislative action to stop these kinds of situations.