Free Autistic 11 year old Accused Felon Zakhqurey Price
Ok let me get this straight, The principal and teacher at Beard Elementary school in Fort Smith School District, Arkansas are charging autistic 11 year old Zakhqurey Price with a felony for getting hurt while trying to restrain him!?! I'm sooo Pissed about this outrage!! What the heck is this with Restraining of autistic kidz!?! These kidz are sick they don't need to be tied down!! How can the police even charge a autistic child with a felony for defending themselves from being tied down by 2 adults?? All these "INCOMPETENT" people should be fired and charged with a felony!! What is this world coming too!?! Here's the CRAZY story below. This could happen to any one of our children. We should rally at this court hearing and show them that we are not gonna stand for this ANYMORE!! It's enough that they screwed up our kidz up with their poison vaccines, now they have to Tie 'Em Up like animals?