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Counseling - Coping and Communication for Parents

Help!!!! My famlliy ties are getting frayed due me and my conditons: Austim and AS

I have not been feeling good lately as my socializing has been plummeting to the point of wreaking my family ties, I am a Asian and my parents have been take care of me for 30 years, Plus the other disabilities I have to top it off. It stresses them something horrible!

We Are What We Think

(Post from my blog on After Autism)

A young woman recently entered our family's life to help care for my son, Ian.   Ian is nine, pre-verbal and recovering from autism. She brings great openness and curiosity to the job every day and I'm so grateful she has joined our family system. Today she brought me a great gift; the gift of awareness and connection.

5 tips to becoming a happier family unit TODAY!!

So I was pondering marriage and autism tonight and I realized how many single parents are out there. I see so many happy couples that have a typical family (whatever that means anymore) and it seems like they are so “hallmark” in many ways. I think that for the majority of divorced or separated couples it was just too much and there just isn’t a support system set up or any pre-counseling prior to getting the diagnoses (which how could there be).

Lessons from horses and non-verbal communication

A year ago I attended a workshop with horses that taught me the power of non-verbal communication, which transformed my life and my relationship with my son, Ian. He's eight, non-verbal and was diagnosed with autism at the age of three. I share my story to provide hope and possibility that you can connect with your child on a deeper level beyond words.

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Autism: The Brain, Thinking and ...

Mary Jo Lang discusses education, decision making and creating a better understanding for the development of an Autistic child.


Maverick Mama June 2010 Show

Dr. John Schaut is a psychologist who has worked for 18 years with men and women returning from military combat. He is also the father of a son with Autism. Here he speaks with Barbara Fischkin about stress and Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSS) and how it affects parents of individuals with Autism who experience their own "very long tour." And what to do about it. This is a complicated issue and some may want to listen more than once.