
Guestbook Wall
Will wrote:
15 years 12 weeks ago

Hi April
Let me extend to you my personal welcome to our AutismOne Social Network. AutismOne is now the “one-stop-shopping center” for information about autism. We have the annual conference in Chicago, AutismOne radio, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy and now the AutismOne Social Network (and more to come).
Thank you for filling in your profile entries as these help people with common interests find you.
Yours is a very nice profile. Our goal is to help and hopefully AutismOne can provide some of the type of support you are seeking. Helping you interact with others is one of the many things we can do for you. Now here’s something you can do for us. Every new community requires a good hard kick start to get going. We need you to help us with that. Log in on a regular basis and read the blogs and articles then write a blog yourself. It can be on any subject of interest to you, preferably with some relevance to autism but not necessarily. It can be short or long, whatever it takes for you to express your thoughts. If you have a question then ask it in a blog--people read then they respond. If you see something with which you agree or disagree then please add a comment with your thoughts. This is an open community designed to help and support. We like to hear all sides.
I am looking forward to reading your opinions in future blogs and/or articles.
With my best regards
Will Price, CFO

Rhonda Brunett (not verified) wrote:
15 years 12 weeks ago

Dear April,

I wanted to welcome you to the Autism One.
By becoming an active participant you can support and inspire others. Your sharing experience can lift other parents to help them move forward on this path. Autism can be challenging and puzzling. You can make a difference; together we can effectively resolve issues in a collaborative manner by addressing questions and providing feedback.
My son Jordan has made remarkable progress so please don’t ever give up hope!
Feel free to share your thoughts, stories and wisdom for we are all in this together.
To quote, Brandi Snyder: “To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
Should you need any further assistance or information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Rhonda Brunett
Autism One International Inc. Chicago Liaison

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Member Since October 10, 2009

About Me

April Buchanan
55 years
About Me
Relationship Status: 
Here For: 
3 of them (ages 16, 13, & 11), 2 of whom have forms of Autism
high school diploma
library assistant
A Little About Me: 

I am an Aspie, happily married to a neurotypical man. I'm also in a very happy friend-relationship with God. I don't say "Christian" because of all the damage that many so-called Christians have done to that term. I'm a mom raising the two Autistic ones in my brood, while their father is raising the neurotypical one. They are well worth all the difficulty. I love my job, although I am usually exhausted after my workday because of all the energy expended in working with the public. Again, well worth it.

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

I joined this community out of a deep desire to be all I can be as an autistic person. I want to learn all I can from others for my kids and myself; I also want to help others whenever there is an opportunity. Our numbers are increasing, and we all need to reach out to help and be helped.

What I am Here For: 
for help in problem solving; to provide help... also, when autism causes me to hurt, to remind me that I am not alone.
I don't really set too many goals for myself, as I am often a driven perfectionist, and easily overwhelmed psychologically. I basically aim to be a good example for all the Aspies out there who think they can't function in the neurotypical world. We can do anything they can, we just need to do it differently. One thing that I guess could be called a goal is that I'm writing a fiction story. It's scary for me to be doing this, and something in my head taunts me that I can't really do it, but I aim to finish it and get it published.
Help Needed: 
It seems I always need help knowing what to do for my kids-- especially how to go to bat for them at school. I have to be a warrior for them, and I don't really know how to be that.
Help to Give: 

I have lived through a lot of hard stuff with a HFA kid who was born with some pretty severe sensory problems, so I have a lot of practical advice; also, I've worked very hard to compensate for my social challenges and have some great strategies in my repertoire.