
Guestbook Wall
Ed Arranga wrote:
14 years 12 weeks ago

Let me extend to you my personal welcome to our AutismOne Social Network. AutismOne is now the “one-stop-shopping center” for information about autism. We have the annual conference in Chicago, AutismOne radio, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, the AutismOne Social Network and the AutismOne Store.


We urge you to log in on a regular basis and read the blogs and articles. If you see something with which you agree or disagree then please add a comment with your thoughts. This is an open community designed to help and support. We like to hear all sides.


Then write a blog, long or short, to express your thoughts or ask a question. I am looking forward to reading your opinions.


With my best regards,
Ed Arranga Executive Director

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Member Since October 27, 2010

About Me

Christine Ekis
Chicago Far Western Suburbs
About Me
Here For: 
University of Pittsburgh and Benedictine University
Occupational Therapist
A Little About Me: 

I have been an Occupational Therapist specializing in pediatrics for 20 years (seems impossible). I am currently the owner of KidzTherapy, LLC in Naperville, IL. I adore what I do and feel blessed everyday for the trust families place with me. I use a very family focused, life integrated therapy philosophy. Sensory Processing (DSI), previously called SI can be very confusing and overwhelming for families. We work together to learn about it, understand it, and then assess it in their child. Only then can families be comfortable implementing the many strategies that can benefit the child. I enjoy presenting on the topic of Sensory Processing and on the role of OT.

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

I have learned more from the children with whom I work and their families then I have ever learned in a classroom or a continuing education course. A community like this will allow me to learn even more, and hopefully give back a bit of what I have leanred over the years.

I have many families who are following a biomedical model of treatment for their child and I have been able to educate myself on the different treatment options through Autism One's website and Chicago conference.

What I am Here For: 
I hope that some of what I write, share, discuss will be helpful to a family or professional. It takes a village!
Help to Give: 

Happy to help families gain an understanding about the role of OT and the role of SI therapy. I have also worked extensively with families struggling to establish functional, meaningful therapy goals for IEPs. Though I am not an expert, I am happy to share what has worked.