
Guestbook Wall
Ed Arranga wrote:
13 years 37 weeks ago

Let me extend to you my personal welcome to our AutismOne Social Network. AutismOne is now the “one-stop-shopping center” for information about autism. We have the annual conference in Chicago, AutismOne radio, the Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law and Advocacy, the AutismOne Social Network and the AutismOne Store.


We urge you to log in on a regular basis and read the blogs and articles. If you see something with which you agree or disagree then please add a comment with your thoughts. This is an open community designed to help and support. We like to hear all sides.


Then write a blog, long or short, to express your thoughts or ask a question. I am looking forward to reading your opinions.


With my best regards,
Ed Arranga Executive Director

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Member Since February 1, 2011

About Me

Amy McCarty
Central Illinois, USA
About Me
Relationship Status: 
Here For: 
Hoopeston, IL - Home of the famous Cornjerker mascot
Zodiac Sign: 
Jordan (daughter, age 12) & Deacon (son, age 8 - Apergers)
Some college - major in Biology
University of Illinois
I work 24 hours a day. Why? Because I'm a MOMMY. I am a cook, a cleaner, a parent, a teacher, a referee, a nanny, a nurse, a handyman, a maid, a security officer and a comforter, and a healer. I don't get holidays, sick-pay, or a day OFF. I work through the day and the night. I am on call at all hours.
A Little About Me: 

Im Amy. Full time mom to Jordan and Deacon. Jordan is a competitive athlete and I spend much of my time taking her to practices and tournaments. Deacon is my little Aspie and has made great improvements as far as his abilities. He also plays sports, on a regular team, and the only thing we still struggle with is social rules and behavior/defiance. I am also a full time caregiver to my 57 year old mother who became paralyzed from the chest down after receiving the flu shot.
I am a believer in the use of Biomed, holistics and diet for healing. I have seen it work not only with my son, but for my mother as well. See, my mom had end stage cervical cancer, and while in the hospital and paralyzed from the flu shot - she contracted MRSA, a gram negative bacterial infection, AND thanks to the overuse of antibiotics - she had a deadly systemic yeast infection of candida glabrata. The doctors sent her home with a hospice recommendation and said there was nothing further they could do. They gave her a timeline of about a month to live. That was 9 months ago. I brought her home, treated the yeast and deadly infections homeopathically and pushed her nutrition to the highest levels. My mother is alive and thriving today. The cancer is also completely GONE.
I love to meet new people and help them in their health journeys. I was on my way to Med school when I got pregnant with Jordan (never mix supplements with the birth control pill :). So I became a mother at the young age of 19. No big deal... I still continued through school while taking care of a baby. Three years later, Deacon was born, and 1.5 years after that, the word Autism became a part of my daily vocabulary.
Deacon is vax injured. We are one of the lucky ones who apparently can not tolerate vaccines - and I know this not only because of Deacon, but because of how my mother was affected as well. So, we no longer vaccinate and advocate for people to educate themselves, and know their bodies before vaccinating. I am not anti-vax, but I do believe there are many problems with vaccines and it is killing our future generations. Combine that with all the unhealthy toxins in our environment and food - and you have a recipe for total disaster.
So, here we are. I research non-stop. I can't get enough info on treatments and things you can do to heal your body naturally, and I welcome any and all people seeing advise on what to do. I love to help others.

Why I am a Part of the AutismOne Community: 

I answered most of this in the "about me" section. But, my son Deacon has Aspergers, and I am here to help others and network and meet more of my Autism "family". I have found that my Autism family is stronger than blood family.

What I am Here For: 
To help others with information I can share and to learn as much as I can from others who have walked a different path, or tried a different supplement/medication/diet etc.
Autism Help / Accomplishments: 

I can help with any biomedical questions - dealing with supplements, herbs, and/or diet.
I can give website information to DAN! doctors, homeopaths, ordering supplements, and ordering testing kits.
My accomplishments are that my son is a work in progress as far as healing. We have healed his gut, and almost well enough to lose the diagnosis, however, like all children with Autism, he regresses, things change - so we continue on with our journey. An Autism mothers work is never done :) Otherwise, I have healed my mothers cancer, MRSA, gram negative infection, and systemic candidiasis all at the same time with Biomed and diet.

My Daily Motivations: 

Motivations? If I could, I would stay in bed ALL day :) However, that doesn't help anyone. My daily motivation are my kids, and my online autism family members. Each minute, a child is diagnosed with Autism, and there is a family out there who felt exactly like I did. Lost, not knowing what to do or how to help.... and with the revolution of the internet and Facebook - I feel it is my duty to help the new family members, so they aren't lost and have enough knowledge to choose which path they would like to take to begin healing their child.

To raise my kids to be productive members of society, and to raise them in such a way that they are accepting of everyone that life brings to them. I want my children to always be willing to help others and know what love really means.
Help Needed: 
I always welcome any new information someone has. I love to learn and I don't judge. Everyone has a right in this life to choose a path they feel best suits their needs, and it is not my place to say whether that is correct or not. Because of the difference in life paths, that means there are others out there who know things that I don't, and I like to learn why what you did helped you!
Help to Give: 

You can find the help I can give reading in the paragraphs above. The only thing I am not too knowledgeable in are the different therapies. I worked on my own with my son, because I couldn't afford ABA. I can help you research the therapies and link you with people who use them, but I can not give any personal experience with them.

Researching and learning. I love to learn about the body and how things work. There are too many unknowns at the cellular level and I constantly seek at connect the dots. Beyond that, I was a softball player growing up and in college. I love the game, and now my daughter is a nationally ranked pitcher. So, sports... all the time.
I used to scrapbook :) Some day, I will get back into it!
Books / Magazines: 
Autism Science Digest! and Im a sucker for Twilight :)
Saying that your vaccinated child is at risk of disease because of an un-vaccinated child... is like saying *I* have to take birth control pills so *YOU* won't get pregnant. "It’s not like love at first sight, really. It’s more like… gravity moves. When you see her, suddenly it’s not the earth holding you here anymore. She does. And nothing matters more than her. And you would do anything for her, be anything for her… You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that’s a protector, or a lover, or a friend, or a brother." ~ Jacob, Eclipse "Where I'm from, we believe in all sorts of things that aren't true... we call it history." ~ Wicked In relation to Autism and marriage - from my friend Julie S. - "Its hard for dads you know? men in general have the notion of "the chair is broken let me get my tools" whereas women "the chair is broken, how did that happen? how can i prevent that? etc" "I'm selfish, impatient, and insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." - Marilyn Monroe "I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." — Marilyn Monroe "I don't think the worst thing that could happen to me is having a child with special needs. I think the worst thing would be to raise a child who is cruel to people with special needs." ~ Matthew Mickelson Butman "Eventually one of the two things will happen: he'll finally realize you're worth it, or you'll finally realize that he isn't." "When I was growing up, autism wasn't really a factor," Trump said. "And now all of a sudden, it's an epidemic. Everybody has their theory. My theory, and I study it because I have young children, my theory is the shots. We've giving these massive injections at one time, and I really think it does something to the children." ~ Donald Trump I may never know the meaning of life, but once my child was born I felt my life had meaning. ~ Darren Maddern "We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” Charles R. Swindoll It is dangerous to be right when the established authorities are wrong - Voltaire There is but one straight course, and that is to seek truth and pursue steadily - George Washington The desires of the heart are as crooked as corkscrews - W. H. Auden Once social change begins it cannot be reversed. You cannot un-educate the person who has learned to read. You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride. You cannot oppress the people that are not afraid anymore. - Cesar E. Chavez Do, or do not. There is no "try." - Yoda You can discover what your enemy fears most by observing the means he uses to frighten you. - Eric Hoffer Your words are loud, and I listened, but your actions speak much louder. The stupidest mistake in life is thinking the one who hurt you the most, won't hurt you again. "The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space." — Marilyn Monroe "But to see her was to love her, love but her, and love her forever." --Robert Burns
Anything and everything! I love Broadway Musicals, and I like rap. Im all over the place. Music heals the soul.
TV Shows: 
Big Bang Theory, American Idol, and junky reality shows
I never get to watch movies anymore, because it takes up too much time that I could be filling my brain with knowledge. My faves are: A League of Their Own, Shawshank Redemption, and The Green Mile. Im sure there are more... but I can never remember them.
Personal Heroes: 
My mother is my personal hero. After having a team of doctors look at you and tell you that you are going to die, then fighting and relying on me, her daughter with no medical degree to heal her... that took great strength and courage. I have educated her along the way, and she now helps those in need of support when the doctors have written them off for dead, gives them hope, and healing. I love you mom!