Jim Donnelly's tweets

@chickmcgee1 If he's still in L.A., it's 6:00am on a Saturday. I'm guessing he's sleeping. — 14 years 34 weeks ago
http://twitpic.com/zd3ea - Brendan and Alec with the Louisville Cardinal Bird. — 14 years 34 weeks ago
http://twitpic.com/zd3aj - Brendan and me with Darrell Griffith and Denny Crum. — 14 years 34 weeks ago
http://twitpic.com/zd365 - Alec and Brendan with the EKU Colonel at their game vs. EIU. — 14 years 34 weeks ago
40°F in Indy. HEAT WAVE. I'm gonna break out the SPF 2 & speedo and head to the beach! Wait a minute. Indy doesn't have a beach. Aw, man... — 14 years 34 weeks ago
I wonder if I'm dreaming. I feel so unashamed. I wonder if this happening to me. — 14 years 34 weeks ago
Kinky is using a feather ... Perverted is using the whole chicken. :o) — 14 years 34 weeks ago
Clowns to the left of me. Jokers to the right. .... Here I am. Stuck in the middle with you. — 14 years 34 weeks ago
Off to have dinner with that married chick. — 14 years 34 weeks ago
#FollowFriday @hollyrpeete @hollyrod4kids @nationalautism @93wibc @trillylou14 years 34 weeks ago