Dr. Charles Chapple - AutismOne Conference 2009
Originally Aired Sun, 06/06/2010 - 3:00amRob Sidell and the audience get a unique opportunity to talk with a well recognized clinician and the father of Sean, a child on the Spectrum. Dr. Chapple's perpective and his tireless drive to help children and parents to recover is inspiring. He's the real deal!
Dr. Chapple separates Chiropractic from biomechanics. He describes "release fixations" vs. sublixations and the profound connection between the nervous system and the mechanics of the body. He explains that disassociation of the nervous system causes hyper/hypo responsiveness to sensory input. Dr. Chapple gives details about the presentation of hand flapping and toe walking as being related to the development of the palmer and planar reflexes. His mantra that "structure determines function" dictates that "gross motor" must be addressed and strengthened before fine motor issues can be resolved.
Rob asks Dr. Chapple if Cranial/Sacral and/or Chiropractic can cause injury to a child? Dr. Chapple enthusiastically addresses that issue as well as the differences between the sexes in ASD kids.
Dr. Chapple gives us an excellant presentation of why AIT/Listening Program/Bernard training and the effect on the vestibular nerve can be helpful.
Dr. Chapple then treats the audience to an in depth explanation of the Spinal Galant Reflex and the impotance of how a typical vaginal delivery squeezes the cranium and strokes the spine to jump start the nervous system.
Dr. Chapple also talks about adolescent vs. adult issues and some new exercises that have been developed specifically to help ASD kids.