2008-08-20 11:30:00 Rob Sidell &<br>Debra Sidell

2008-08-19 13:00:00 Polly Tommey

2008-08-17 11:00:00 Jack & Rebecca Sytsema

2008-08-16 14:00:00 Geri Brewster, RD, MPH, CDN

2008-08-16 13:00:00 Dr. David Holmes

2008-08-16 11:30:00 Rob Sidell &<br>Debra Sidell

2008-08-14 12:30:00 Dorinne Davis, MA, CCC-A, FAAA

2008-08-13 11:30:00 Rob Sidell &<br>Debra Sidell

2008-08-11 14:00:00 Norm Schwartz MD

Weekend Autism Global News in Review - 06/18/10

Rob Sidell hosts a show that reviews articles about how pesticides are linked to ADHD, the new American Power Act and its effects, C-Sections and a link to Celiac disease, slightly early birth (37-39 weeks) and links to ASD and Dyslexia, a newly found link in mice models between the immune system and OCD, a study find contaminants in nearly half household nutritional supplements they tested and how to screen the more than 17 million internet sites dealing with ASD.