Legal and Advocacy Training for Attorneys, Parents, and Advocates


A Bigger World


There are, I think, several factors which contribute to wisdom. Of these, I should put first a sense of proportion: the capacity to take account of all the important factors in a problem and attach to each its due weight.

Knowledge and Wisdom – Bertrand Russell

Adolescence and Beyond: For teens who want to know more


A Bigger World

Adolescence and Beyond: For teens who want to know more

"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away."

-- Henry David Thoreau, 1854

The AutismOne Big Rig

The Autism One Big Rig sure has a way of turning heads and getting noticed. Hundreds of pictures are snapped and hours of informative discussion start when this one-of-a-kind semi hits the road. Thanks to David and Felicia for an "open road" approach to autism awareness. Checkout the slideshow!

About Us / Our Message

Autism One is a nonprofit charity organization 501(3)(c) started by a small group of parents of children with autism. Parents are and must remain the driving force of our community, the stakes are too high and the issues too sacred to delegate to outside interests.

Our message is simple: Our children get better; many fully recover given the proper treatments and therapies. You will hear our message loudly and repeatedly.

Our Children Get Better!

Why Radio?

A Worldwide, Web-Based Radio Station for the Care, Treatment, and Recovery of Children with Autism
Helping children with autism means providing parents, families, and professionals with the best information, practices, and education in the timeliest manner in the most useful format.

Printed words are fine for a number of things: text works well when referencing materials, when reviewing known topics. Text is not the vehicle to reach and teach parents struggling with new and at times frightening issues and concepts.

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Privacy Policy


Last Update: June 20, 2009

Autism International Association, Inc (a non-profit California corporation) is the exclusive owner and operator of the website


The following define specific terminology as used in this Privacy Policy statement.

 “Our Website” and “This Website” refer specifically to the website

My child was disgnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, now what?

A message to Ed Arranga the founder of from a concerned parent many years ago. Some of this information may need to be updated which we will do in the near future.