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Homeopathy And Help


Back To School Behavior Blues? Think EXCITOTOXINS!

Hello, all!

With the start of school, there is a pattern of number of our kids of increased violence or irritability on returning to school. It's a pattern we have seen for a number of years.

Most of our kids are highly reactive to additives and chemicals, especially in food. When the kids are back in school, all parents breathe a collective sigh of relief, however, it opens the door for dietary issues galore - not always with our knowledge or consent as parents, and definitely without knowledge on the part of teh school - unless you educate them.

If I had only known then what I know now...

Children with autism arrived at our practice's doorstep before we ever expected to see it. Since my personal practice of homeopathy had already been taking "all comers" I went into the first consultation with a child with autism before really knowing what I was seeing. He had no formal diagnosis and things had only turned sour a few days earlier. It was a young man whose parents had taken him bowling the night of Hallowe'en and had somehow seen a horrible change in him, presumably after that night.

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There's Hope With Homeopathy - Amy Lansky - Interview with homeopath Joy Wilson, CCH, RSHom(NA)

An interview with San Antonio, Texas homeopath and teacher, Joy Wilson, CCH, RSHom(NA).  (This show first aired on September 15, 2006.)

There's Hope With Homeopathy - Amy Lansky - Models of Remedy Action

Models of remedy action. How do homeopaths understand the action of remedies? Several models are discussed: action/counter-action -- i.e. the remedy increases the similar symptoms and the energy body reacts to remove these symptoms; energetic strengthening via resonance with the remedy; replacement of the diseased energy in the vital force with the energy of the remedy; providing information to the vital force about the nature of the disease that it has become habituated to; connecting up to Source via the energy in the remedy.