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Autism News and Views

Compassion Extended to Many Victims: Newtown, Connecticut

There are many victims as the result of the unexplainable tragic violence toward the children and teachers at Sandy Hook Elementary School by Adam Lanza. I am one of millions of people who are emotionally affected by the event and in mourning. I extend compassion through prayer to the suffering parents, friends, and neighbors who lost the precious lives of children and their teachers in Newtown, Connecticut. Also, we must not forget Lanza’s mother Nancy who is also a victim. She is portrayed as a very positive mom who was focused on getting her sons what they needed and what they wanted.

Beacon Day School appreciates art!

Beacon Day School appreciates art! I really enjoyed talking to artist Trent Altman's mother, Dr. Jackie Marquette, on the radio last Tuesday ( Who is your favorite artist with autism? Email and we may feature them in a coming newsletter!

Evidence of parallels between mercury intoxication and the brain pathology in autism

Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 2012;72(2):113-53.
Evidence of parallels between mercury intoxication and the brain pathology in autism.
Kern JK, Geier DA, Audhya T, King PG, Sykes LK, Geier MR.
Institute of Chronic Illnesses, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland, USA;

FROM AUTHOR ALICE SHABECOFF: What’s really behind the increase in autism rates.

What’s really behind the increase in autism rates.
Alice Shabecoff

The just-released data on autism shows a count of 1 in 88 children, up from a rate of 1 in 110 three years ago and one in 150 five years ago. With each change, the response remains the same: Oh, that’s because of better detection and broader definitions.

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Raising a Child on the Spectrum: ...

AO/GR 2012 Conference: Ken Siri, MBA.

Presentation     Bio/Abstract

Biofilms, Bugs, and Bowels: ...

AO/GR 2012 Conference. John H. Hicks, MD.

Abstract/Bio     Website

The First Dads of Autism: Life ...

AO/GR 2012 Conference. Mark Blaxill, MBA. 

Bio/Abstract      Website

Startup company succeeds at hiring ...

Startup company Aspiritech was created out of a mother's passion to create jobs for her son that more closely matched his unique talents and abilities.


Weekend Autism Global News in Review - 12/12/09

Rob, Deb and Michael Sidell perform a rousing song and an interesting review of articles about Chelation, Insect Repellant and Hypospadias, ASD and Schizophrenia, Thimerisol, Face Recognition, off label drugs prescribed to kids, Ritalin, the rise of Food Allergies in children and the contaminated kids of southwestern Indiana.

Linderman Live 12-11-09

Today on Linderman Live! we have Dr. Micheal McManmon from CIP 's (College Internship Program) Teen Summer Programs. If you have a special needs teen or may soon have one that you would like to see heading to college, this is a program that you must listen too. So many of us parents know about our children's special interests and incredible abilities, yet we dont neccesarily understand the basics of how important cooking skills, time managements skills and other crucial social interaction skills are to our future college bound kids.