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Dr. Stewart on facebook.

It seems these days everyone is exploring and jumping on the Social Networking roller coaster... well we are no different!!! I've had Dr. Stewart as a Fan Based Facebook page for a few months now and it's starting to really take off.

If you'd like to be a fan or find out a little more on how we are treating Autistic Patients and getting great results, I recommend you check out a few sites we have.

Facebook Fan Page:

Dr. Stewart's Clinic Website:

No Help in Sight

What’s a family to do when you see that debt mounting? We spend thousands, tens of thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to help our child. We choose between giving him the possibility of independence and drowning our family in that debt – what a bad choice. Where do we turn? The therapeutic community offers fractions of the needed services for an unreasonably high price. The medical community – well let’s face it, they’ve abandoned us, even professionals can tell you that.

Girl Breaks Through Silence With a Song

For more on this story, check out CBS
Great Story

Girl Breaks Through Silence With a song - A 7-year-old autistic girl who once struggled to speak found her voice through the gift of song, and now she's sharing her talent in arenas all over the country.
Gina Incandela of Orlando, Fla., has charmed thousands by singing the national anthem at hockey games, basketball arenas and conventions, according to a CBS report. This week, she took center court at the U.S. Open.


We have started our daughter on the GFCFSF diet, and she has actually gotten a little better. She has not had drastic changes but she has been more vocal and doing things she has never done before. I recommend to anybody looking for something to start with to start there

"Magic Clay" ~ it is often the small things in life that bring us the most joy!

Every so often we have an experience in our lives that cause us to take pause and reflect. This week I had one of those moments and I feel the need to share it with everyone. It was a moment that made me feel so good to be in the position I am in as an educator. If you still have passion for what you do, then it won't be hard for you to relate to this story. Some days are better than others, but hopefully this story brings a smile to your face today. :-)

Below is the note I wrote to my fellow colleagues and educators:

Determined To Make A Difference

Learning and teaching about autism is my passion! There are very few things I can do that bring me as much satisfaction. The more I learn about this topic, the more I am driven to seek out additional information to fill in the multitude of deficiencies I know I have in my knowledge bank. It's a never ending saga! The more I learn, the more I realize I don't know anything, and just when I'm excited about some new skill I've acquired, it changes. UGH!! For someone with OCD, like me, this is a rather frustrating cycle!

Well On Her Way To Healthy

This is a blog post from Heather Liston, one of our patients at the Autism Solution Center. Her daughter, Tatum, is WELL ON HER WAY TO HEALTHY, has made remarkable progress and she wanted to share her story as an encouragement to others who are struggling along in this journey to recovery with autism.

Autism's Financial Frustrations

I spent a good amount of time this morning talking to a parent who is beyond stressed with autism's financial frustrations. She has 5 children, 3 of whom have non-verbal autism. I can't even begin to imagine what she goes through on a given day, as most families I know dealing with one child on the spectrum are overwhelmed, financially and otherwise! As we talked, it became more and more clear to me that there is going to have to be some different kind of major grass roots movement to change this myopic autism culture we live in.

Common Denominators In Autism Recovery

Every time I teach workshops, conferences, or individuals parent trainings, I always make a point to bring to the forefront what I feel is one of the most overlooked issues in autism treatment. What are the common denominators in autism recovery? With the epidemic of autism soaring out of control, as shown on the chart to the right, we have to start focusing more on what's working and why, to insure positive outcomes for children being affected.

Life Story - Special Diet for AUTISM - "Lost and Found"

An article appeared this month in “Living Without” Magazine (October/November) edition regarding my youngest daughter Kaitlyn and our success with implementing Casein: Gluten-Free Diet. The magazine is sold in Whole Foods, Barnes & Noble as well as numerous health food stores. Since this story can not be accessed online the site is still filled with terrific stories and information web address provided below. Please enjoy the article as her father it made me laugh made me cry and most of all made me stand-up and cheer!